From: arlie@...
Message: 6048
Date: 2006-03-14
> Comments welcome on any point but particularly on the underlined
>I do not see the ?? there, and I think it is from b??a.
> b??zk: (line 635) Is this 3rd pers sg of bj????ask?
> ??urfu: (line 640) Why is this 3rd person plural when ???hvers??? issingular?
> vant er vi?? v??ndum at sj??: (lines 643-4)arisen badly from him??? or ???much badness has arisen from him????
> illt: (line 652) Is this behaving as an adverb or noun? ie ???much has
>I think "setja b??" actually means "to move into".
> Kve??ja
> Alan
> S??mr setti b?? ?? A??alb??li eptir Hrafnkel, ok s????an efnir hann
> S??m established a farm at A??alb??l after Hrafnkel, and afterwards puts on
> veizlu vir??uliga ok b????r til ??llum ??eim, sem verit h??f??utheir chieftain in place
> a magnificent feast and invites to (it) all those, who had been
> 635 ??ingmenn hans. S??mr b??zk til at vera yfirma??r ??eira ?? sta??
> his (ie Hrafnkel???s) followers at the Thing. S??m offers himself to be
>nevertheless with uncertainty (ie had misgivings, mixed feelings)
> Hrafnkels, Menn j??tu??usk undir ??at ok hug??u ???? enn misjafnt
> of Hrafnkel. (The) men agreed to that and (but) thought still
>support you
> til.
> about (that).
> ??j??starssynir r????u honum ??at, at hann skyldi vera bl????r ok
> Thj??star??s sons advised him that, that he should be gracious and
> g????r fj??rins ok gagnsamr s??num m??nnum, styrktarma??r hvers,
> good (generous) of property and helpful to his men, a benefactor of each
> 640 sem hans ??urfu vi??. '???? eru ??eir eigi menn, ef ??eir fylgja ????r
> who (whoever) has need of him. ???Then they are not men, if they
>(matter), we advise you this, that
> eigi vel, hvers sem ???? ??arft vi??. En ??v?? r????um vit ????r ??etta, at
> not well, each who (whoever) you have need of. But (in) that
>seem to us (two) a brave
> vit vildim, at ????r t?"kisk allt vel, ??v?? at ???? vir??isk okkr vaskr
> we would want, that everything turns out well for you, because you
>you, because (it) is difficult
> ma??r. G??ttu n?? vel til, ok vertu varr um ??ik, af ??v?? at vant er
> man. Take (you) good care now, and be (you) aware (of things) about
>which many stories thus went (ie were current). Then
> vi?? v??ndum at sj??.'
> against evil to see (be on guard).
> 645 ??j??starssynir l??tu senda eptir Freyfaxa ok li??i hans ok
> Thj??star???s sons caused to send after Freyfaxi and his herd and
> kv????usk vilja sj?? gripi ??essa, er sv?? gengu miklar s??gur af. ????
> declared themselves to want to see these valuable animals, about
> v??ru hrossin heim le??dd. ??eir br?"??r l??ta ?? hrossin.
> the mares were led home. Those brothers look at the mares.
> ??orgeirr m??lti: '??essi hross l??task m??r ????rf b??inu. Er ??at
> Thorgeir spoke. ???These mares look to me necessary for the farm. That is
> mitt r????, at ??au vinni sl??kt, er ??au megu, til gagnsmuna,
> my advice, that they work such, as they are able, at useful things,
> 650 ??angat til er ??au megu eigi lifa fyrir aldrs s??kum. En hestr
> until when the are not able to live for reasons of old age. But this
>(matter), so that
> ??essi s??nisk m??r eigi betri en a??rir hestar, heldr ??v?? verri, at
> seems to me not better than other stallions, rather worse (for) that
>sg S??m
> margt illt hefir af honum hlotizk. Vil ek eigi, at fleiri v??g
> much ill has arisen from him. I do not want, that more slayings
> hlj??tisk af honum en ????r hafa af honum or??it. Mun ??at n??
> arise from him than have already happened from him. That will now (be)
> makligt, at s?? taki vi?? honum, er hann ??.'
> fitting, that that one (he) take (receipt) of him, who owns him.???
> Grammar notes:
> S??mr S??mr: (n) nom
> setti setja: (v)3s past ind established
> b?? b??: (n)acc sg farm
> ??at
> A??alb??li A??alb??l: (n) datsg A??alb??l
> eptirafter
> Hrafnkel, Hrafnkell: (n) accsg Hrafnkel
> okand
> s????anafterwards
> efnir efna: (v)3s pres ind performs
> hann hann: (pron) nomsg he
> veizlu veizla: (n)acc sg feast
> vir??uliga vir??uligr: (adj)acc sg magnificent
> okand
> b????r bj????a:3s pres ind invites
> tilto (it)
> ??llum allr: (pron)dat pl all
> ??eim, s??: (pron)dat pl those,
> semwho
> verit vera: (v)pp been
> h??f??u hafa: (v)3p past ind had
> 635followers at the Thing
> ??ingmenn ??ingma??r: (n) nom pl
> hans. hann: (pron) gensg his.
> S??mr S??mr: (n) nomsg S??m
> b??zk bj????ask: (v refl) 3spres ind offers himself
> tilto (this)
> atto
> vera vera: (v)inf be
> yfirma??r yfirma??r: (n) nomsg chieftain
> ??eira s??: (pron)gen pl their
> ??in
> sta?? sta??r: (n)acc sg place
> Hrafnkels, Hrafnkell: (n) gensg (of) Hrafnkel.
> Menn ma??r: (n)nom pl Men
> j??tu??usk j??task: (v refl) 3ppast ind committed themselves
> undirto
> ??at ??at: (pron)acc sg that
> okand
> hug??u hyggja: (v) 3ppast ind thought
> ????still
> ennfurther
> misjafntwith misgivings
> til.about (it)
> ??j??starssynir ??j??starsonr: (n) gen plThj??star??s sons
> r????u r????a: (v)3p past ind advised
> honum hann: (pron) datsg him
> ??at, ??at: (pron)acc sg that,
> atthat
> hann hann: (pron) nomsg he
> skyldi skulu: (v)3s past subj should
> vera vera: (v)inf be
> bl????r bl????r: (adj)nom sg gracious
> okand
> g????r g????r: (adj)nom sg good
> fj??rins f??: (n)gen sg of wealth
> okand
> gagnsamr gagnsamr: (adj) nom sghelpful
> s??num sinn: (pron) datpl (to) his
> m??nnum, ma??r: (n) datpl men,
> styrktarma??r styrktarma??r: (n) nom sgbenefactor
> hvers, hverr: (pron)gen sg of each,
> 640who
> sem
> hans hann: (pron) gensg him
> ??urfu ??urfa: (v)3p pres ind ? has need
> vi??.of.
> '????'Then
> eru vera: (v)3p pres ind are
> ??eir s??: (pron)nom pl they
> eiginot
> menn, ma??r: (n)nom pl men,
> efif
> ??eir s??: (pron)nom pl they
> fylgja fylgja: (v)3p pres ind support
> ????r ????: (pron)dat sg you
> eiginot
> vel,well,
> hvers hverr: (pron)gen sg each
> semwho
> ???? ????: (pron)nom sg you
> ??arft ??urfa: (v)2s pres ind have need
> vi??.of.
> EnBut
> ??v?? ??at: (pron)dat sg (for) that (reason)
> r????um r????a: (v)1p pres ind advise
> vit vit: (pron)nom pl we (two)
> ????r ????: (pron)dat sg you
> ??etta, ??etta: (pron)acc sg this,
> atthat
> vit vit: (pron)nom sg we (two)
> vildim, vilja: (v)1p past subj (would) want,
> atthat
> ????r ????: (pron)dat sg (to) you
> t?"kisk takask: (v refl) 2spres subj happens
> allt allr: (pron)acc sg everything
> vel,well,
> ??v?? atbecause
> ???? ????: (pron)nom sg you
> vir??isk vir??ask (v refl)2s pres subj seem
> okkr vit: (pron)dat pl (to) us
> vaskr vaskr: (adj)nom sg brave
> ma??r. ma??r: (n)nom sg man.
> G??ttu g??ta: (v) 2simper Take care you
> n??now
> velgood
> til,to,
> okand
> vertu vera: (v), ????: (pron) 2simper be you
> varr varr: (adj)nom sg aware
> umabout
> ??ik, ??inn: (pron)acc sg yourself,
> af ??v?? atbecause
> vant vandr: (adj) ?nom sg difficult?
> er vera: (v)is
> vi??with
> v??ndum v??ndr: (n) ? datpl evil ?
> atto
> sj??.' sj??: (v)inf see.'
> 645Thj??star??s sons
> ??j??starssynir ??j??starssonr: (n) nom sg
> l??tu l??ta: (v)3p past ind caused
> senda senda: (v)inf to send
> eptirafter
> Freyfaxa Freyfaxi: (n) datsg Freyfaxi
> okand
> li??i li??: (n)dat sg herd
> hans hann: (pron) gensg his
> okand
> kv????usk kve??ask: (v refl) 3ppast ind declared themselves
> vilja vilja: (v)inf (to) want
> sj?? sja: (v)inf (to) see
> gripi gripr: (n)acc pl animals
> ??essa, sj??, ??essi: (pron) accpl these,
> erwhich
> sv??thus
> gengu ganga: (v) 3ppast ind went
> miklar mikill: (adj)nom pl great
> s??gur saga: (n)nom pl stories
> af.about.
> ????Then
> v??ru vera: (v)3p past ind were
> hrossin hross: (n)nom pl the mares
> heimhome
> le??dd. lei??a: (v)pp lead.
> ??eir s??: (pron)nom pl Those
> br?"??r br????ir: (n)nom pl brothers
> l??ta l??ta: (v)3p pres ind look
> ??at
> hrossin. hross: (n)acc pl the mares.
> ??orgeirr ??orgeirr: (n)nom sg Thorgeir
> m??lti: m??la: (v) 3spast ind spoke:
> '??essi ??etta: (pron)nom pl 'These
> hross hross: (n)nom pl mares
> l??task l??task: (v refl)3p pres ind look
> m??r ek: (pron)dat sg (to) me
> ????rf ??arfr: (adj)nom pl necessary
> b??inu. b??: (n)dat sg (on) the farm.
> Er vera: (v)3s pres ind Is
> ??at ??at: (pron)nom sg that
> mitt minn: (pron)acc sg my
> r????, r????: (n)acc sg advice,
> atthat
> ??au ??au: (pron)nom sg they
> vinni vinna: (v)3p pres ind work
> sl??kt, sl??kr: (pron)acc sg such,
> eras
> ??au ??au: (pron)nom pl they
> megu, mega: (v) 3ppres ind can,
> tilto
> gagnsmuna, gagnsmunir: (n pl) gen pluseful things,
> 650there
> ??angat
> tilto
> erwhen
> ??au ??au: (pron)nom pl they
> megu mega: (v) 3ppres ind can
> eiginot
> lifa lifa: (v)inf live
> fyrirfor
> aldrs aldr: (n)gen sg (of) old age
> s??kum. s??k: (n)dat pl reasons.
> EnBut
> hestr hestr: (n)nom sg stallion
> ??essi sj??, ??essi: (pron) nomsg this
> s??nisk s??nask: (v) 3spres ind seems
> m??r ek: (pron)dat sg (to) me
> eiginot
> betri betri: (adj compar)indecl better
> enthan
> a??rir annarr: (pron)nom pl other
> hestar, hestr: (n)nom pl stallions,
> heldrrather
> ??v?? ??at: (pron)dat sg (in) that
> verri, verri: (adj compar)indecl worse,
> atso that
> margt margr: (pron) nomsg much
> illt illr: (adj)nom sg ill
> hefir hafa: (v)3s pres ind has
> affrom
> honum hann: (pron) datsg him
> hlotizk. hlj??task: (v refl)pp been caused.
> Vil vilja: (v)1s pres ind Want
> ek ek: (pron)nom sg I
> eigi,not,
> atthat
> fleiri fleiri (adj compar)indecl more
> v??g v??g: (n)nom pl killings
> hlj??tisk hlj??task: (v refl)3p pres subj be caused
> afby
> honum hann: (pron) datsg him
> enthan
> ????ralready
> hafa hafa: (v)3p pres ind have
> afby
> honum hann: (pron) datsg him
> or??it. ver??a: (v)pp happened.
> Mun munu: (v) 3spres ind will (be)
> ??at ??at: (pron)nom sg that
> n??now
> makligt, makligr: (adj) nomsg fitting,
> atthat
> s?? s??: (pron)nom sg that one / he
> taki taka: (v)3s pres subj take (receipt)
> vi??of
> honum, hann: (pron) datsg him,
> erwho
> hann hann: (pron) accsg him
> ??.' eiga: (v)3s pres ind. owns.'
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