H 633

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 6019
Date: 2006-03-11

Thanks, Alan, for all the work you have done with this. I really enjoy this
and feel I am learning a lot!


H 633

Sámr setti bú á Aðalbóli eptir Hrafnkel, ok síðan efnir hann
Sam set (up his) farm at A. after H., and since then he performs

veizlu virðuliga ok býðr til öllum þeim, sem verit höfðu
a magnificent feast and invited to (it) all them that were heads of

635 þingmenn hans. Sámr býzk til at vera yfirmaðr þeira í stað
his thingmen. Sam was prepared to be their chieftain in stead

Hrafnkels, Menn játuðusk undir þat ok hugðu þó enn misjafnt
of H., Men agreed under it and nevertheless still had doubts

about (it). (Gordon)

Þjóstarssynir réðu honum þat, at hann skyldi vera blíðr ok
Þjóstar's sons advised him that, that he should be gracious and

góðr fjárins ok gagnsamr sínum mönnum, styrktarmaðr hvers,
generous with money (Gordon) (to) his men, a helper (to) whom,

640 sem hans þurfu við. 'Þá eru þeir eigi menn, ef þeir fylgja þér
that stands in need of his (help). "Then they were not men, if they

do not help you

eigi vel, hvers sem þú þarft við. En því ráðum vit þér þetta, at
well, whosoever you stand in need of. But therefore we advise you this,

vit vildim, at þér tokisk allt vel, því at þú virðisk okkr vaskr
we wish, that you take (for yourself?) everything well, because you consider
(yourself?) our valiant

maðr. Gættu nú vel til, ok vertu varr um þik, af því at vant er
man. (May) you get (on) well now, and (may) you be on your guard (Zoega)
because lacking is

við vándum at sjá.'
with hope to see.

645 Þjóstarssynir létu senda eptir Freyfaxa ok liði hans ok
Þjóstar's sons had Freyfaxi sent for and his band and

kváðusk vilja sjá gripi þessa, er svá gengu miklar sögur af. Þá
said (they) wish to see the value of these, (of) which so many stories went
about. Then

váru hrossin heim leídd. Þeir broðr líta á hrossin.
were (the) horses lead home. They brother looked at (the) horses.

Þorgeirr mælti: 'Þessi hross lítask mér þörf búinu. Er þat
Þorgeirr said, " This horse looks to me necessary for the farm. It is

mitt ráð, at þau vinni slíkt, er þau megu, til gagnsmuna,
my advice, that it work such as it can to be useful,

650 þangat til er þau megu eigi lifa fyrir aldrs sökum. En hestr
until that time when it may not live due to ? advanced age. But this

þessi sýnisk mér eigi betri en aðrir hestar, heldr því verri, at
seems to me not better than the other stallions, rather the worse, that

margt illt hefir af honum hlotizk. Vil ek eigi, at fleiri víg
many have suffered evil from him. I do not wish, that more

hljótisk af honum en áðr hafa af honum orðit. Mun þat nú
suffer slaying from him, than already have happened from him. It shall now

makligt, at sá taki við honum, er hann á.'

(be) proper, that he takes with him who he has???"
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa

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