From: AThompson
Message: 6015
Date: 2006-03-07
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of llama_nom
Sent: Sunday, 5 March 2006 9:40 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Hrafnkell 613-632 / Alan´s Translation
Gwyn Jones: "That same summer there was a big run of fish in
Lagarflot, which proved a great help towards housekeeping in the
district, and that held good every summer."
What is the subject of 'af slíku gerðisk mönnum búshoegindi'.
Is it a sort of subjectless sentence? Maybe "from
that [the quantity of fish] *it* was very helpful to the running of
the farm" = "from that, they derived great help" = "that was very
convenient for them"?
I took ‘búshoegindi’ as the subject but if that was the case ‘gerðisk’ should really be ‘gerðask,’ since ‘búshoegindi’ is, according to Zöega and Gordon, neut pl. Although grammatically plural, perhaps the author treated it as ‘semantically’ singular noting that ‘hoegindi’ is also the nom sg form of the root noun. If that´s not the case then, ‘búshoegindi’ can only be acc pl and I, with my limited knowledge, can make no sense of that!
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