From: AThompson
Message: 6007
Date: 2006-03-05
Comments below
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Sent: Saturday, 4 March
2006 11:00 PM
Subject: [norse_course] H 613
Thanks, Alan, for your corrections last time.
Hrafnkell forði (moved, foera, not fara) nú bú sitt austr yfir Fljótsdalsheiði ok um
H. went now east (from) his farm, over F. and across
þveran Fljótsdal fyrir austan (to the east of, see Gordon, Grammar, s152) Lagarfljót. Við vatnsbotninn (head of the lake, ie the top end of Lagarfljót. It´s easy for me to visualise because I´ve been there J)
F. before (going?) east to Lagar River. Towa rds the head
stóð einn lítill bor (this should be ‘boer’, typo in the original text I was using), sem hét at (which was named/ called (at))Lokhillu. Þetta land keyptí 615
(of the river) stood one little byre, as was called at Lokhillu. This land
Hrafnkell í skuld, því at eigi var kostrinn (here, the sense is of ‘money available’) meiri en þurfti til
H. bought on credit, not because the choice was more (desirable), than that
need to
búshluta at hafa. Á þetta lögðu menn mikla umroðu, hversu
have farm implements. At this men laid much discussion, how
hans ofsi hafði niðr fallit, ok minnisk nú margr (many (people), the subject of the sentence) á fornan
his pride had fallen down, and reminded (themselves) now more in (the) old
orðskvið, at skömm (nom sg fem of skammr, agrees with ævi – ’short’ ) er óhófs ævi (time, see my translation). Þetta var skógland mikit ok
proverb, that shame is lack of moderation forever??? This was a great
forestland and
mikit (note: nominative) merkjum, vánt (vándr, not vanr – ’poor’, but see my translation also) at húsum, ok fyrir þat efni (reason) keypti hann 620
of wide expanse (Gordon) lacking in houses, and (for) this ( reason) before
he bought
landit litlu verði (for a small price). En Hrafnkell sá ekki mjök í kostnað ok
(the) land, little became (of it). But H. saw not much in expense and
felldi mörkina, því at hon var stór, ok reisti þar reisiligan bo,
felled the forest, because she (the forest) was huge, and raised there a
magnificent farm,
þann (that, acc of sá) er síðan hét á Hrafnkelsstöðum. Hefir þat síðan verit
then which is since called Hrafnkel's home stead. It has since been
kallaðr jafnan (always) góðr bor. Bjó (búa, dwelt, resided),Hrafnkell þar við mikil óhogindi
called even a good farm. H. built there with great difficulty
in fyrstu misseri (acc pl, (in) the first seasons). Hann hafði mikinn atdrátt af fiskinum (literally, from the fish). 635
in the first season. He had great supplies of fish.
Hrafnkell gekk mjök at verknaði, meðan bor var í smíði.
H. went much at work while (the) farmstead was in construction
Hrafnkell dró á vetr kálf ok kið in fyrstu misseri, ok hann helt
H. fed calf and kid through (the ) winter in (the) first season (acc pl, (in) the first seasons), and he
vel, svá at nær lifði hvatvetna þat, er til ábyrgðar var (see my translation and grammar notes, hopefully that will make this sentence clearer). Mátti
kept (his livestock or the farm) well, so that near (scarcely?) anything
whatever was left (undone), which was concerning his responsibilities. (One)
was able
svá at kveða, at náliga væri tvau höfuð á hverju kvikindi (again see my translation and grammar notes, I have a question outstanding about the meaning of this phrase). Á
so to say, that almost were two heads at each living. (He was in two places
at once?)
630 því sama sumri (that same summer) lagðisk veiðr mikil (much fishing, catch was placed, ie fish were plentiful, I think))í Lagarfljót. Af slíku
In it (the) same summer laid (about) much game in L. From such
gerðisk mönnum búshogindi (see my translation and notes) í heraðinu, ok þat helzk vel
did (the) household of men (support themselves?) in the district, and it
held out well
hvert sumar.
each summer.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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