From: Patricia
Message: 5842
Date: 2005-12-21
----- Original Message -----From: Neo IntelligencerSent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:53 PMSubject: Re: [norse_course] English-Old Norse Dictionary.Really? Why is translating from Old Norse to English frowned upon? Do some people feel it is a waste of time?NIOne has a print out of it, it is very interesting and often helpfulOne has heard that in academic circles the translating from English to Old Norseis actually "frowned upon" of course one does not listenKveðjaPatricia----- Original Message -----From: neointelligencerSent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:13 PMSubject: [norse_course] English-Old Norse Dictionary.Hälsningar, Everyone!
I hope this posting finds you well.
Are you aware of this English-Old Norse Dictionary compiled by Ross G.
Neo Intelligencer__________________________________________________
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