Re: Hrafnkell 460-479 Alan's translation

From: AThompson
Message: 5823
Date: 2005-12-12

Here’s my translation:


Þorgeirr segir: 'Sé ek nú, hversu horfir, frændi, at þér 460

Þorgeir says: ’I now see, how (it) looks, kinsman, that you

mislíkar, en ek má þat eigi vita, ok munum vit fylgja þessum

(it) displeases, but I may not (bear to) know (that), and ww will follow these

mönnum, hversu sem ferr, ef þú vilt.'

men, howesoever (it) goes, if you want (it).’

Þorkell mælti: 'Þessa eins bið ek, at mér þykkir betr, at veitt

Þorkell spoke: ’I ask only of this, that it seems to me better, that granted


(it/help) be.’

'Til hvers þykkjask þessir menn fœrir', segir Þorgeirr, 'svá 465

’Of what think themselves these men capable,’ says Þorgeir, ’such


at framkvæmð verði at þeira máli?'

that progress happens (is achieved) in their case?’

'Svá er sem ek sagða í dag, at styrk þurfum vit af höfðingjum,

’It is such as I said today, that we (two) need (the) strength (powerful backing) of chieftains,

en málaflutning á ek undir mér.'

But I (will) have the pleading of the case under (left to) me

Þorgeirr kvað honum þá gott at duga, -- 'ok er nú þat til, at

Þorgeir declared (it) then easy to help him, -- ’and that is now to be done, to

búa mál til sem réttligast. En mér þykkir sem Þorkell vili, at 470

prepare (the) case as most flawless (as possible). But (it) seems to me as Þorkell wants, that

þit vitið hans, áðr dómar fara út. Munu þit þá hafa annat

you visit him, before the courts go out (convene). You (two) will then have either

hvárt fyrir ykkart þrá, nökkura huggan eða læging enn meir

one or the other for your persistence, some consolation or humiliation still more

en áðr ok hrelling ok skapraun. Gangið nú heim ok verið

than (you had) before and affliction and annoyance. Go (you) now back and be (you)

kátir, af því at þess munu þit við þurfa, ef þit skuluð deila við

cheerful, because you will be in need of that, if you (two) shall contend against

Hrafnkel, at þit berið ykkr vel upp um hríð, en segi þit engum 475

Hrafnkel, that you bear yourselves up well for a while, but you (two) (will) say to no

manni, at vit höfum liðveizlu heitit ykkr.'

man, that we (two) have promised help to you.’

Þá gengu þeir heim til búðar sinnar, váru þá ölteitir. Menn

Then they go back to their booth, (and) were then in good spirits. Men

undruðusk þetta allir, hví þeir hefði svá skjótt skapskipti tekit,

were amazed by all this, why they had so quickly taken a change of mood,

þar sem þeir váru óglaðir, er þeir fóru heiman.
whereas they were glum, when they journeyed from


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