Re: Hrafnkell 441-459

From: Patricia
Message: 5783
Date: 2005-12-03



Þorkell segir: 'Þat má vera, at svá fœri mér at, ef ek væri
höfðingi, at mér þœtti illt at deila við Hrafnkel, en eigi sýnisk
mér svá, fyrir því at mér þœtti við þann bezt at eiga, er allir
hrekjask fyrir áðr.

Thorkell Says "It may be that I would (/might) do so if I were

chieftain, that it would seem to me bad a dispute with Hrafnkel. but not

to me does it seem,(i.e not at this time?) before this it seems that (one) who has routed all others

Thorkel says  "I think I might do that if I were a chieftain

A dispute with Hrafnkell would be bad, but it does not seem so (now)

before this (time) against one who has beaten all others 


Ok þœtti mér mikit vaxa mín virðing eða
445 þess höfðingja, er á Hrafnkel gæti nökkura vík róit, en minnkask
ekki, þó at mér fœri sem öðrum, fyrir því at má mér þat, sem
yfir margan gengr. Hefir sá ok jafnan, er hættir.'
And it seems it would increase my honour as Chieftain , he who gains an advantate

over Hrafnkell, and not diminish (even) though it went with me as with others

I am able (?better to bear this) (got a bit lost here)

Always he who tries does win       

It would increase my Honour as a #Chieftain , not diminish it, to go against Hragnkell

even though I suffered the same as the others. I am able to bear with this "Who Dares Wins"

(Th SAS  for Thorkell)


'Sé ek', segir Þorgeirr, 'hversu þér er gefit, at þú vilt veita
þessum mönnum

"See I " says Thorrgeir  How to you it is inclined that you wish to help these men

"I can see" says Thorgeirr How you are inclined to help these men"


 Nú mun ek selja þér í hendr goðorð mitt
450 ok mannaforráð, ok haf þú þat, sem ek hefi haft áðr, en þaðan
af höfum vit jöfnuð af báðir, ok veittu þá þeim, er þú vilt.'

Now shall I give into your hand out Chieftainship

and our rule/authority, and have you that as (long) as I have and after

the responsibility (/) with equality of both  and you help there those whom you wish

Now I shall hand over to you our Chieftain-ship and our authority and you have it as long as I have

and afterwards the responsibility, will be equally ours and you can help whom you wish


'Svá sýnisk mér', segir Þorkell, 'sem þá muni goðorð várt
bezt komit, er þú hafir sem lengst.

Thus it seems to me " says Thorkell that better our Chieftain-ship will be if you have it longer

"I think" says Thorkell the longer you have the Rule the better it will be


 Ann ek engum svá vel sem
þér at hafa, því at þú hefir marga hluti til menntar um fram
455 alla oss brœðr,

I want no one better/more than you to have it  for this (reason)that you have the more

accomplishments of all us brothers

I prefer no one more than you to have it because you are the most accomplished of us brothers


 en ek óráðinn, hvat er ek vil af mér gera at
bragði. En þú veizt, frændi, at ek hefi til fás hlutazk, síðan ek
kom til Íslands.

I am undecided, what I wish to do with (my Part)  (lost here too)

And you know Kinsman that I have taken no part (?interest) since I

came back to Iceland

I am undecided what to do with myself, and you know Kinsman that

I have had no interests since I returned to Iceland 



Má ek nú sjá, hvat mín ráð eru. Nú hefi ek

flutt sem ek mun at sinni. Kann vera, at Þorkell leppr komi
þar, at hans orð verði meir metin.'

Now do I see how my advice will be, now have I uttered as I may (at this time ?)

I know that ir may be that Thorkell (the) Streak will come there (to a place?)

that his words (are) of more value

Now do I see how I should be, I have said my piece for now,

I know that it may be that Thorkell-Streak will reach a place where his words are worth more

Does Thorkell-Streak seem good Alan , does it not refer to the streak noticed by Sam and Thorbjorn when
they first saw him, I floundered a bit but I have tried with the tenses, I really think your meticulous approach is the better, because it is essentially better to verify, so I am "Doing revision" over the next few days

----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 10:20 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 441-459

Here’s the next instalment of Hrafnkel’s Saga.





Þorkell segir: 'Þat má vera, at svá fœri mér at, ef ek væri
höfðingi, at mér þœtti illt at deila við Hrafnkel, en eigi sýnisk
mér svá, fyrir því at mér þœtti við þann bezt at eiga, er allir
hrekjask fyrir áðr. Ok þœtti mér mikit vaxa mín virðing eða
445 þess höfðingja, er á Hrafnkel gæti nökkura vík róit, en minnkask
ekki, þó at mér fœri sem öðrum, fyrir því at má mér þat, sem
yfir margan gengr. Hefir sá ok jafnan, er hættir.'
'Sé ek', segir Þorgeirr, 'hversu þér er gefit, at þú vilt veita
þessum mönnum. Nú mun ek selja þér í hendr goðorð mitt
450 ok mannaforráð, ok haf þú þat, sem ek hefi haft áðr, en þaðan
af höfum vit jöfnuð af báðir, ok veittu þá þeim, er þú vilt.'
'Svá sýnisk mér', segir Þorkell, 'sem þá muni goðorð várt
bezt komit, er þú hafir sem lengst. Ann ek engum svá vel sem
þér at hafa, því at þú hefir marga hluti til menntar um fram
455 alla oss brœðr, en ek óráðinn, hvat er ek vil af mér gera at
bragði. En þú veizt, frændi, at ek hefi til fás hlutazk, síðan ek
kom til Íslands. Má ek nú sjá, hvat mín ráð eru. Nú hefi ek

flutt sem ek mun at sinni. Kann vera, at Þorkell leppr komi
þar, at hans orð verði meir metin.'

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