Re: Hrafnkell 402 Comments for Grace

From: AThompson
Message: 5718
Date: 2005-11-21



Comments inserted as normal. Hopefully when combined with my own translation and grammar notes they will be of use to you.





-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Monday, 21 November 2005 7:49 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 402


Somewhat muddled in places:




Ok nú gengu þeir Sámr ok Þorbjörn ok koma í búðina.

And now [went] they, Sam and Þorbjörn, and come to the booth.




Sváfu þar menn allir. Þeir sjá brátt, hvar Þorgeirr lá. Þorbjörn

There all the men are [were] sleeping.  They see as soon (right away?) [yes, soon, quickly] where where Þorgeirr lay.  Þorbjörn




karl gekk fyrir ok fór mjök rasandi. En er hann kom at

(the) old man went ahead and moved very stumblingly. But when he came to




húðfatinu, þá fell hann á fótafjölina ok þrífr í tána, þá er 405

the hammock, then he fell on the footboard and grasps onto the toe, the one

which? [yes]




vanmátta var, ok hnykkir at sér. En Þorgeirr vaknar við ok

was sore, and yanked [yanks] (it) towa rds him.  But Þorgeirr wakes at (this)and




hljóp upp í húðfatinu ok spurði, hverr þar foeri svá hrapalliga,

lept up in the hammock and asked, who goes there so headlong,




at hlypi á foetr mönnum, er áðr váru vanmátta.

to trample on men's feet, when others (?) [which before(hand)] were sore.




En þeim Sámi varð ekki at orði.

But to those (remarks),  to Sam ?  - -  had nothing to say (Gordon).


[literally (I think): ”But to those, Sam (et al) (there) was nothing in speech”]




Þá snaraði Þorkell inn í búðina ok mælti til Þorgeirs, bróður 410

Then Þorbjörn stepped quickly into the booth and spoke to Þorgeirr, his





síns: 'Ver eigi svá bráðr né óðr, frændi, um þetta, því at þik

"Be neither so sudden nor frantic, kinsman, about this, because




mun ekki saka. En mörgum teksk verr en vill, ok verðr þat

(it) will not harm you.  But many (a man) has (done?) [(it) happens] worse than erring [(one) wants] and it comes [happens] to many




mörgum, at þá fá eigi alls gætt jafnvel, er honum er mikit í

that [then]it goes not all to get even [takes not care of everything equally well], when to him is much on (his) mind?




skapi. En þat er várkunn, frændi, at þér sé sárr fótr þinn, er

But it is what is to be excused (Gordon), kinsman, that to you is sore your

foot, in which [when]




mikit mein hefir í verit. Muntu þess mest á þér kenna. Nú má 415

much pain has been [in (it)].  You can this most to you know. ( You know this best? [yes, ie you will recognise this most (of all) in yourself (ie your own situation)])Now can




ok þat vera, at gömlum manni sé eigi ósárari sonardauði sinn,

[also]it be that to an old man is no less sore (due to) his son's death,


[sonardauði is subject, ie his son’s death (would) be not less painful to an old man.]



en fá engar boetr, ok skorti hvetvetna sjálfr. Mun hann þess

but gets no compensation, and himself is lacking everything.  He can




gørst kenna á sér, ok er þat at vánum, at sá maðr gæti eigi alls

this most completely know for [again I would say “recognise in”] himself, and when it (is according? [yes, that seems suitable]) to custom, that such a man didn't get [takes care] of all




vel, er mikit býr í skapi.'

well,  it bears (weighs heavily?) [dwells, búa] much on (his) spirit [or mind]."



Fred and Grace Hatton

Hawley Pa




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