Re: Hrafenkell 331 Comments for Grace

From: AThompson
Message: 5695
Date: 2005-11-08



No problems here. I have made one or two minor corrections, more to prove that I actually did check your translation than for any other reason J





-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Sunday, 6 November 2005 4:45 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Hrafenkell 331


Thanks, Allan, for the detailed itemization of every word of the last

translation.  It really helps!



Subject: RE: Hrafnkell 331-361



Þeir ganga nú ofan með ánni, ok sá maðr, sem fyrir gekk,

They go now down along the river, and that man, who went in front




heilsar þeim fyrri ok spyrr, hverir þeir væri.

greets them first and asks who they are.




Þeir sögðu til sín.

They tell [told] their names.




Sámr spurði þenna mann at nafni, en hann nefndisk Þorkell

Sam asked this man (his) name, and he was named Thorkell




335 ok kvazk vera Þjóstarsson.

and said (he) was Thjostar's son.




Sámr spurði, hvar hann væri ættaðr eða hvar hann ætti

Sam asked where (from whom) he was descended and where he had a









Hann kvazk vera vestfirzkr at kyni ok uppruna, en eiga heima

He said (claimed?) to be (of the ) west fjo rds by kinship and upbringing,

and owns [to own] a home




í Þorskafirði.

in Thorskafirth.




340Sámr mælti: 'Hvárt ertu goðorðsmaðr?'

Sam spoke, "Whether [Can it be] you are a man of rank of chieftan (or not)?




Hann kvað þat fjarri fara.

He said it was far from being the case (Gordon)




'Ertu þá bóndi?' sagði Sámr.

"Are you then a farmer?" said Sam.




Hann kvazk eigi þat vera.

He said it was not (so).




Sámr mælti: 'Hvat manna ertu þá?'

Sam spoke, "What (kind of) man are you then?"




345 Hann svarar: 'Ek em einn einhleypingr. Kom ek út í fyrra

He answers, "I am a single person without hearth or home (Zoega). I come [came] abroad [out (to Iceland)] the previous (or the winter before last?)


I think it is “the previous winter, the winter before, last winter” but will stand corrected.



vetr. Hefi ek verit útan sjau vetr ok farit út í Miklagarð, en em

winter.  I have been abroad seven winters and went abroad from [to]

Constantinople, and am




handgenginn Garðskonunginum. En nú em ek á vist með

become a retainer (Gordon) to the Greek Emperor.  But now I am staying with




bróður mínum, þeim er Þorgeirr heitir.'

my brother, that (one) who is called Þorgeirr."




'Er hann goðorðsmaðr?' segir Sámr.

"Is he a man with the rank of chieftain?" says Sam.




350 Þorkell svarar: 'Goðorðsmaðr er hann víst um Þorskafjörð

Þorkell answers, "He is certainly the [a] man who has the rank of chieftain over Þorskafjord




ok víðara um Vestfjörðu.'

and ? [wider, farther (afield)] over Westfjord."




'Er hann hér á þinginu?' segir Sámr.

"Is he here at the Thing?", says Sam.




'Hér er hann víst.'

"He is certainly here."




'Hversu margmennr er hann?'

"How many men does he have?" [Literally: “how many-manned (well-manned) is he”




355 'Hann er við sjau tigu manna', segir Þorkell.

"He is with seventy men," says Þorkell.




'Eru þér fleiri broðrnir?' segir Sámr.

" Are  to you more brothers?" says Sam




'lnn þriði', segir Þorkell.

"The third," says Þorkell.




Hverr er ?' segir Sámr.

"Who is it [that]?" says Sam




'Hann heitir Þormóðr', segir Þorkell, 'ok býr í Görðum á

"He is called Þormodr," says Þorkell, " and (has) a farmhouse in G. at




360 Alptanesi. Hann á Þórdísi, dóttur Þórólfs Skalla-Grímssonar

Swansness.  He is married to Þordisi, daughter of Þorolf, son of





frá Borg.'

of Borg."






Fred and Grace Hatton

Hawley Pa




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