From: AThompson
Message: 5694
Date: 2005-11-08
Comments inserted as normal. Apart from the verb tenses, I have highlighted a number of other points of grammar whivh help to explain the meaning, which generally you seemed to have gleaned throughout.
Yes, no doubt about the connection with Egil’s Saga. I haven’t read all the Icelandic Sagas but I have noticed significant overlap in the the people that appear in Egil’s Saga, Laxdaela Saga, Njal’s Saga, and Vatnsdaela Saga.
-----Original Message-----
[] On
Behalf Of Patricia
Monday, 7 November 2005
10:26 PM
Subject: Re: [norse_course]
Hrafnkell 331-361
Þeir ganga nú ofan með ánni, ok sá maðr, sem fyrir
heilsar þeim fyrri ok spyrr, hverir þeir væri.
Þeir sögðu til sín.
They go now down with [along, by] the river and that man who went first hails/greets them [first] and asks
who they are, they declare to him [themselves,
ie give their names, gen (til always takes
genitive), reflexive] (/acc?)
They go across the river and the man who went first greets them and asks who they are
they introduce themselves (is that too modern)
Sámr spurði þenna mann at nafni, en
hann nefndisk Þorkell
335 ok kvazk vera Þjóstarsson.
Sam asks [asked] these
[this] men [man] for their names [name] and he calls
[called] himself Thorkell
and says he is the son of Thjostar
Sam asks them for their names and he says he is Thorkell Thjostarsson
Sámr spurði, hvar hann væri ættaðr eða hvar
hann ætti heima.
Sam asks [asked] where his family [he were (subj) descended (from)] or where he had (his) home
Sam inquired of his family and where he lived
Hann kvazk (I find difficulty is this refl. and
past? [já!]) vera vestfirzkr at kyni ok uppruna, en eiga heima í Þorskafirði.
He declares [declared] himself to be Westfirther and [in] his kin and origin, but [to have] his home was
in Thorskafirth
He says he is from the West Fjords and his family and kinsfolk but he lives in Thorskafirth
340Sámr mælti: 'Hvárt ertu goðorðsmaðr?' Hann kvað
þat fjarri fara.
Sam asks [spoke] "Art thou (because sing.) a Goði He
declared he is far from that [literally: that to go far off, obviously a colloquial
Sam asks "Are you a Chieftain" he declares he is far from that
'Ertu þá bóndi?' sagði Sámr.Hann kvazk eigi þat vera.
Art thou then a Farmer (/bondsman) says [said] Sam he declares [declared] that is not so
Are you a farmer asks Sam he denies this
Sámr mælti: 'Hvat manna ertu þá?'
Sam asks [spoke] "what man [note gen pl] art thou (sing) then
What kind of man are you asks Sam
345 Hann svarar: 'Ek em einn einhleypingr. Kom ek út í
vetr. Hefi ek verit útan sjau vetr ok farit út í Miklagarð, en em
handgenginn Garðskonunginum. En nú em ek á vist með
bróður mínum, þeim er Þorgeirr heitir.' ( This was the part I liked)
He replies "I am free/unattached
came I (home/here) before last winter,
I have been out/away six [seven] winters/years and travelled to Constantinople
I am retainer [note: adjective] to (the ) King Comstantine (the Emperor)
and now I am (staying with) my Brother who is called Thorgeir
He replied "I am free man and I returned home two winters ago, Ihave been
away for six years in Constantinople and I serve the Emperor Constantine
But now I am visiting my Brother his name is Thorgeir
'Er hann goðorðsmaðr?' segir Sámr.
350 Þorkell svarar: 'Goðorðsmaðr er hann víst um Þorskafjörð
ok víðara um Vestfjörðu.'
Is he a Goði says Sam, Thorkell replies
"He is indeed the
[a] Goði of [throughout] Thorskafjord and others of [farther (afield) throughout]Westfirth
Is he a Chieftain says Sam, Thorkell replied "He is indeed, Chieftain of Thorskafjord and some other places
'Er hann hér á þinginu?' segir Sámr.'Hér er hann víst.'
"Is he here at the Thing! says Sam - "Here he is indeed"
"Is he here at the Ting" says Sam "Indeed he is"
'Hversu margmennr er hann?'
355 'Hann er við sjau tigu manna', segir Þorkell.
How many men [note: adjective many-manned] has [is] he" says Sam "He is with seven of tens [ie seventy man]" says Thorkel
"How many men has he (with him) " says Sam " He has Seventy with him" says Thorkell
'Eru þér fleiri brœðrnir?' segir Sámr. 'lnn þriði', segir Þorkell.
Hast thou (sing[yes but dative], ie not subject) more brothers [literally: are the brothers to you more?]says Sam "one [that] third" says Thorkell
"Do you have other brothers" says Sam "A third one" says Thorkell
er sá?' segir Sámr.
"Who is that" Says Sam
"Who is that " asks Sam
heitir Þormóðr', segir Þorkell, 'ok býr í Görðum á
360 Alptanesi. Hann á Þórdísi,
dóttur Þórólfs Skalla-Grímssonar
frá Borg.'
"He is called Thormod " says Thorkell "and dwells in Gardar of [on] Alptanes
He to Thordis (is married) (the) daughter of Thorolf Skallagrimsson of Borg
"He is called Thormod" says Thorkell "and he lives in Garda in Alftames
he is married to Thordis the daughter of Thorolf Skallagrimsson of Borg
This Lady Thordis must be the one in Egil's Saga, his neice whom he loved as his own child
and she was fostered to the Family of Egil, I wonder if she was the one whom someone insulted -
saying her mother was a slave, because she was certainly the one who looked after Egil when he was old and ill
The more of the Sagas I read the more I like, I look forward to you comments Alan for that way I shall learn the better
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 6:54 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Hrafnkell 331-361
Here’s the next instalment of Hrafnkel’s Saga.
Þeir ganga nú ofan með ánni, ok sá maðr, sem fyrir gekk,
heilsar þeim fyrri ok spyrr, hverir þeir væri.
Þeir sögðu til sín.
Sámr spurði þenna mann at nafni, en hann nefndisk Þorkell
335 ok kvazk vera Þjóstarsson.
Sámr spurði, hvar hann væri ættaðr eða hvar hann ætti
Hann kvazk vera vestfirzkr at kyni ok uppruna, en eiga heima
í Þorskafirði.
340Sámr mælti: 'Hvárt ertu goðorðsmaðr?'
Hann kvað þat fjarri fara.
'Ertu þá bóndi?' sagði Sámr.
Hann kvazk eigi þat vera.
Sámr mælti: 'Hvat manna ertu þá?'
345 Hann svarar: 'Ek em einn einhleypingr. Kom ek út í fyrra
vetr. Hefi ek verit útan sjau vetr ok farit út í Miklagarð, en em
handgenginn Garðskonunginum. En nú em ek á vist með
bróður mínum, þeim er Þorgeirr heitir.'
'Er hann goðorðsmaðr?' segir Sámr.
350 Þorkell svarar: 'Goðorðsmaðr er hann víst um Þorskafjörð
ok víðara um Vestfjörðu.'
'Er hann hér á þinginu?' segir Sámr.
'Hér er hann víst.'
'Hversu margmennr er hann?'
355 'Hann er við sjau tigu manna', segir Þorkell.'Eru þér fleiri brœðrnir?' segir Sámr.
'lnn þriði', segir Þorkell.
Hverr er sá?' segir Sámr.
'Hann heitir Þormóðr', segir Þorkell, 'ok býr í Görðum á
360 Alptanesi. Hann á Þórdísi, dóttur Þórólfs Skalla-Grímssonar
frá Borg.'
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