From: llama_nom
Message: 5500
Date: 2005-08-18
> 1. <ce> = [ke] if the <e> is due to i-umlaut of a back vowel.WS
> 2. <ce> = [ke] within a word, if preceeded by a back vowel.
> 3. <ce> = [ke] if the <e> arose before a continuant that was
> originally syllabic (e.g. æcer "acre" < Proto OE *ækr).
> 4. Otherwise <ce> did result in the affricate [tS]. Before a
> stressed syllable this became <cie> in Early West Saxon. In late
> the same combination is often spelt <cy> (but also <ce>, <cie> andStill bearing in mind all those provisos, I'd just like to modify 4,
> <ci>).
> Okay, these are the rules for when <ce> = [tSe] in OE (not
> the combination <sc>), according to Campbell's Old EnglishGrammar.
> At least this is how I understand them... They work most of theparts
> time, but not always. Some exceptions are due to analogy with
> of the paradigm where different rules applied. Another exceptionis
> the middle consonant of <cieken> "chicken", as indicated by theattempt
> spelling in the Mercian Rushworth Gospells, a unique scibal
> at distinguishing the front and back pronunciations of <c>. Thismight
> can't be due to analogy with other parts of the paradigm, but
> be accounted for by dissimilation. Anyway, here are the rules.WS
> (For <ce>, read <ce> or <cce>.)
> 1. <ce> = [ke] if the <e> is due to i-umlaut of a back vowel.
> 2. <ce> = [ke] within a word, if preceeded by a back vowel.
> 3. <ce> = [ke] if the <e> arose before a continuant that was
> originally syllabic (e.g. æcer "acre" < Proto OE *ækr).
> 4. Otherwise <ce> did result in the affricate [tS]. Before a
> stressed syllable this became <cie> in Early West Saxon. In late
> the same combination is often spelt <cy> (but also <ce>, <cie> and
> <ci>).
> Some OE textbooks print a dot above <c> in words like 'bæc'
> and 'æcer'. This indicates that they are thought to have been
> palatal stops in early OE, something like [c], as in
> Icelandic 'kenna'. According to Campbell, in such positions, <c>
> never evolved into [tS], but instead reverted to [k]. Regarding
> Rule One, don't forget that /æ/ counts as a front vowel, so if <e>
> is due to i-umlaut of /æ/, this would result in affrication.