From: Patricia
Message: 5401
Date: 2005-07-01
Saell Alan
I don't know about this here poetry at all, I thought there were kennings and stuff I had not seen before:-
Þá var Kali fimtán vetra er hann fór með kaupmönnum vestr til Englands, ok hafði góðan kaupeyri.
Then was Kali fifteen winters when he travelled with Merchants (? Kaupmaðr) west to England
Kali was fifteen years old when he travelled in the company of merchants - west, to England
ok hafði góðan kaupeyri Þeir heldu til þess kaupstaðar er Grímsbœr heitir.
and had goods to trade (or barter) they held on till this market town which Grimsby is named
and they had goods to trade. They held on till they reached Grimsby a market town
Kom þar mikit fjöl- menni bæði af Nóregi ok Orkneyjum, af Skotlandi ok Suðreyjum
came there (in that place) a great crowd of men both from Norway and the Orkneys from Scotland and the Hebrides
There were a great crowd of men from Norway, the Orkneys, Scotland and the Hebrides
Eptir þat fór Kali vestan á hinu sama skipi ok kómu útan at Ögðum ok heldu þaðan til Björgynjar. Þá kvað hann vísu:
After this travelled Kali from the West in his same ship and came back round at Ogðum and held thence till Bergen then said he a verse
Afterwards Kali travelled from the West on the same ship and turned around at Ogðum and held on from there till they reached Bergen he then recited a Verse
'Vér höfum vaðnar leirur
we have passed through mudflats (leira)
We have waded ? through mudflats
vikur fimm megingrimmar; saurs vara vant, er várum, viðr, í Grímsbœ miðjum
Five weeks most terrible, mud/filth (were accustomed) which we were with in the middle of Grimsby
Five most terrible weeks were accustomed to mud ('Filth) when in the centre of Grimsby
Nú'r þat's más of mýrar meginkátliga látum branda elg á bylgjur Björgynjar til dynja
Now Ye (nu er) those seabirds (mer -mas) over (mýrar) most joyfully noise beaked ship to the billows Bergen to resound
Now ye (seabirds ?) seabirds over (myrar), with joyful cries put the Beaked Ship to the Billows and let Bergen resound
I do not feel I get this, he's using kennings calling the men (?jokingly) Seabirds and telling them they are off home for they have been successful they can rattle Bergen with joyful cries.Thats how I see it, but it's poetry AlanKveðjaPatricia(WHEW)
----- Original Message -----From: AThompsonSent: Friday, July 01, 2005 10:33 AMSubject: RE: [norse_course] Miscellanea Section L Subsection (i)Sæl
This week we continue Section L from Gordon´s Miscellanea. As mentioned last week, the text is from Orkneyinga saga, Subsection (iii) will follow next week.
Verses by Earl Rögnvald Kali
(ii) Rögnvald at Grimsby
Þá var Kali fimtán vetra er hann fór með kaupmönnum vestr til Englands, ok hafði góðan kaupeyri. Þeir heldu til þess kaupstaðar er Grímsbœr heitir. Kom þar mikit fjöl- menni bæði af Nóregi ok Orkneyjum, af Skotlandi ok Suðreyjum. Eptir þat fór Kali vestan á hinu sama skipi ok kómu útan at Ögðum ok heldu þaðan til Björgynjar. Þá kvað hann vísu:
'Vér höfum vaðnar leirur
vikur fimm megingrimmar;
saurs vara vant, er várum,
viðr, í Grímsbœ miðjum.
Nú'r þat's más of mýrar
meginkátliga látum
branda elg á bylgjur
Björgynjar til dynja.'
A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
To escape from this funny farm try rattling off an e-mail to:
A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
To escape from this funny farm try rattling off an e-mail to:
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