From: llama_nom
Message: 5253
Date: 2005-05-06
>Dáinn "deceased", the name of a dwarf.
> 1) Dáinsleif - what was once owned by, or has been inherited from
> 2) Gramr - angry, king, warrior; gramir;öm "demons"; gramendr "the angry gods" (quoting Zoega).
> 6) Skaði - harm, damage, scathegods?)
> 8) Jötunheimr, Jötunheimar - giant-world (-land, -abode)
> 9) Svartalfheimr - black-elf-world
> 10) Ásgarðr - literally "god-enclosure" (mummy can I feed the
> 11) Helheimr - death-worldmeans "destruction". Cognates of this word occur in Old
> 12) Niflheimr - mist-world
> 13) Muspellheimr - debated. The 'spell' part probably
> 24) Geldingr - means what it sounds like!Simek's "Dictionary of Northern Mythology", which mentions
> 25) Höðr - "war, battle", cf. OE heaþo-, OHG hadu-.
> 27) Kvasir - wine made from berries, according to Rudolf