RE: [norse_course] Auðun Section 18/feedback Grace

From: AThompson
Message: 5221
Date: 2005-05-02

Sæl Grace


Comments inserted. I hope they make sense. I’m not absolutely certain about a few elements so hopefully someone else can help out.






-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Fred and Grace Hatton
Saturday, 30 April 2005 11:23 PM
Subject: [norse_course] A 18


Ok er leið stund ok skipit var albúit, þá mælti Sveinn konungr við

And after (some) time passed and the ship was completely equipped, then

King Svein spoke with


Auðun: 'Þó villtu nú á braut, þá mun ek nú ekki letja þik. En þat hefi

Auðun, “Although you want [now] (to be) away, then will I now not allow [hinder] you. But [that]I have


ek spurt, at ilt er til hafna fyrir landi yðru, ok eru víða ørœfi ok

learned, that bad[ly (off)] is?? [(it) for] harbors of [ie: in] your previous country and (the harbors?) [ørœfi (nom. Pl, I think)(the) harbourless coasts] are wide open and


hætt skipum. Nú brýtr þú ok týnir skipinu ok fénu, lítt sér þat þá á,

risk [dangerous/destructive to] ships.  Now should you wreck and destroy [lose, I think is better] the ship and [the] valuables,

little has one then ? (as proof? [yes but, impers. literally: little (will be) seen that then, ie little will there be to (show)],


at þú hafir fundit Svein konung ok gefit honum gorsimi.' Síðan seldi

that you have met king Svein and (have)given him [a] great treasure.”  Then the king


konungr honum leðrhosu fulla af silfri, 'ok ertu þá enn eigi félauss

handed him a leather legging (?) [bag] full of silver, “ and you are [will be, present tense used in future sense] still not

then poor [without possessions, I think is better]


með öllu, þótt þú brjótir skipit, ef þú fær haldit þessu. Verða má svá

entirely, although you shipwreck, if you [are able to, fær = 2nd pers sing indic of fá] keep this money.  May it still

so happen,”


enn', segir konungr, 'at þú týnir þessu fé: lítt nýtr þú þá þess, er þú

says the king, “that you destroy [lose, I think is better] this money, you derive little benefit then of this, that you


fant Svein konung ok gaft honum gørsimi'.

met king Svein and gave him [a] great treasure.”





Fred & Grace Hatton

Hawley , Pa.


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