From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 5210 Date: 2005-04-30
Ok er leið stund ok skipit var albúit, þá mælti Sveinn konungr við
And after (some) time passed and the ship was completely equipped, then
King Svein spoke with
Auðun: 'Þó villtu nú á braut, þá mun ek nú ekki letja þik. En þat hefi
Auðun, “Although you want (to be) away, then will I now not allow you.
But I have
ek spurt, at ilt er til hafna fyrir landi yðru, ok eru víða ørœfi ok
learned, that bad is ?? harbors of your previous country and (the
harbors?) are wide open and
hætt skipum. Nú brýtr þú ok týnir skipinu ok fénu, lítt sér þat þá á,
risk ships. Now should you wreck and destroy the ship and valuables,
little has one then ? (as proof?),
at þú hafir fundit Svein konung ok gefit honum gorsimi.' Síðan seldi
that you have met king Svein and (have)given him great treasure.” Then
the king
konungr honum leðrhosu fulla af silfri, 'ok ertu þá enn eigi félauss
handed him a leather legging (?) full of silver, “ and you are still not
then poor
með öllu, þótt þú brjótir skipit, ef þú fær haldit þessu. Verða má svá
entirely, although you shipwreck, if you keep this money. May it still
so happen,”
enn', segir konungr, 'at þú týnir þessu fé: lítt nýtr þú þá þess, er þú
says the king, “that you destroy this money, you derive little benefit
then of this, that you
fant Svein konung ok gaft honum gørsimi'.
met king Svein and gave him great treasure.”
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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