From: AThompson
Message: 5195
Date: 2005-04-26
Sæl Patricia
My comments inserted. One or two minor points, but generally you seemed not to have too many troubles.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf
Of Patricia
Saturday, 23 April 2005
6:26 AM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Auðun
section 17
Einn dag, er á leið várit, gekk Sveinn konungr ofan á bryggjur,
One day when in late Spring [literally (I think): when (it) passed on the winter], went Swein King down on the Landingstage (?)
One late Spring day, King Swein went down onto the Quayside.
Gordon glosses as “when the spring was far spent, drew to a close”
ok váru menn þá at, at búa skip til ýmissa landa,
and were men
there (to)[then (busy) at] preparing ships to various lands (to be sent to ?)and men were there making ships ready to go to various lands
í austrveg eða Saxland, til Svíþjóðar eða Nóregs.
To the East and [or] Saxons and [to] Sweden and [or] Norway (East they got as far as the Baltic)
To the East and Saxony , Sweden and Norway
Þá koma þeir Auðun at einu skipi fögru, ok váru menn at, at búa skipit.
Then came [come, pres] they and Auðun
(on the way)to a [one (particular), a certain] beautiful ship, and were men [(busy) at] preparing(it)[the ship]Then the King and Auðun across a beautiful ship and men making it ready
Þá spurði konungr, 'Hversu lízk þér, Auðun, á þetta skip?' Hann svarar, 'Vel, herra.'
Then questions [asked, past tense] King " How like you Auðun to this ship [Literally: how does (it) please you about]?" He answers "Well Lord"
Then the King asked "What do you think of this ship Auðun, and he replied "It is fine Lord"
Konungr mælti: 'Þetta skip vil ek þér gefa ok launa bjarndýrit.'
King spoke "this ship will [want] I [to] give you
as[and to ] recompense [verb] for the Bear"The King said " I want to give you this ship as repayment for the Bear"
Hann þakkaði gjöfina eptir sinni kunnustu
He thanked
the King[not in the text] the Giftafter,according to his abilityHe thanked the King for the gift as much as he was able
Poor Auðun he was Gobsmacked,
As for the East,(see above) well I looked in my Maps and there is a way to the Baltic and Russia, AIUI - they got that far with their trading.
I am doing my best with the syntax, I hope to have done better this time
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2005 10:12 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Auðun section 17
Here is the next installment of Auðun.
Einn dag, er á leið várit, gekk Sveinn konungr ofan á bryggjur, ok váru menn þá at, at búa skip til ýmissa landa, í austrveg eða Saxland, til Svíþjóðar eða Nóregs. Þá koma þeir Auðun at einu skipi fögru, ok váru menn at, at búa skipit. Þá spurði konungr, 'Hversu lízk þér, Auðun, á þetta skip?' Hann svarar, 'Vel, herra.' Konungr mælti: 'Þetta skip vil ek þér gefa ok launa bjarndýrit.' Hann þakkaði gjöfina eptir sinni kunnustu.
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