Thanks for your remarks. I wanted to know if the word stems have
something common in their origin, its not so important, I was watching
a French film yesterday and I became aware of the word loi, I have
a bad habit, that I translate what I hear on TV to different languages
I know, or at least try to imagine how a certain sentence would sound
in an another language. The word loi reminded me on lex, lag
and lög and also law.
As to the German, I think it does not have a direct cognate to lag
or lög with the meaning law , though it has the word legen (to
lay, place, put etc.) which is the cognate of ON leggja and
Swedish lägga, the word that you have mentioned. If we make a
noun from the verb legen we get Lage, which corresponds exactly
to lag or lög but has a different meaning: situation, position,
location etc.
It is also strange that the English has the word lay (the cognate
to lag and lög) but it has no law related meaning, instead it has
taken the cognate word from ON. Just as Lage in German doesnt
have one either. So it seems that lag- and lög- word-stem acquired
a law related meaning after the West Germanic and Nordic languages
got away from each other.
To see if that is also true for the East Germanic branch, I have also
checked a Gothic dictionary for a cognate word, and I have
found laggjan corresponding to NHG legen, NSW lägga and
ON leggja and English lay, and has the meaning to lay, lay down,
set, place, but not law.
PS. A question to everyone: To what date or century are the West
Germanic languages estimated to have split form Old Norse?
PSS. Rightly, Haukur has mentioned that German Gesetz also derives
from a word meaning lay, i.e. the German setzen.
PSSS. The Finnish has the word laki meaning law which is a loan-
word from ON-Old Swedish. This comparison also shows that the
Finnish makes loan-words unvoiced, just as native Finnish words are
also unvoiced (with the exception of d and v). Banana
sounds panaani, to give a funny example;-)
Haukur Ţorgeirsson <
> > Could someone tell me if the Latin ’lex’ was a cognate of the
> > words 'lag, law, lög' etc. in the Germanic languages? Or is it a loan-
> > word?
> I think the English 'law' is a loan-word from Old Norse.
> The Latin 'lex' is supposed to be related to 'legere',
> "to pick up".
> > I know that the English ‘law’ is a loan-word from the Old Norse. I
> > trying to figure out what could be the German cognate of this word,
> > it seems to me there isn’t such a one. Law is either ‘Recht’ or
> > in German (the latter has the Old English cognate ‘gesetnys’).
> I think 'lög' is related to 'leggja' and ultimately
> means something like "that which is laid down". That's
> something close to the meaning of 'Gesetz' isn't it?
> Apparently there's an Old Saxon word 'gilagu' meaning
> "decisions, fate". Compare with Old Norse 'řrlög'.
> Kveđja,
> Haukur
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