Fjarri yfir þokufjöll (was Re: Tolkien)

From: llama_nom
Message: 4806
Date: 2005-01-27

--- In, "Terje Ellefsen"
<radiorabia@...> wrote:
> >We might nativise 'hobbit' as 'hobbitr' or 'hobbiti'.
> If I remember correctly, "hobbit" (rendered in modern English) was
> to be a modernized version of "holbytl" (rendered in old English
in Rohan).
> This, I think, was supposed to mean "hole-builder" or "hole-
dweller". In
> nynorsk, a possibility could be something like "Hólbu", and the
> version could be something similar.
> Terje

Holubúi > Hobbúi, maybe? Now time for some hubris:

Fjarri yfir þokufjöll
skulum brott í óttu mjöll,
at sækja oss it galina gull,
föl mæti heilug, meginfull.

Ár gerðu dvargar galdra fjölð,
fjölkyngi máttugri gersima örð.
Í höllum holum var hringing heyrð
hamra Durins djúpt í jörð.

Fornvísum smíðuðu, fylkjum álfa,
gulli glæst gerðu sverð.
Skaut sköpuðu, skreyttu hjölt
mærum mösmum – váru mæti björt.

Sólar ljós sá hamri sló –
smiðr inn steinbúandi – málm hann hjó,
í undnum víri dreka fúr
ok, gneita í millim, mána gló.

Fjarri yfir niflug fjöll
skulum brott í óttu mjöll,
at heimta oss it bleika gull,
féföng heilluð galdrafull.

Dengdu dvergar dimmraddaðar
harpa mengi – mangi veit
hvat kvæði kváðu kindir Dvalins,
né hverja söngva söng Kila sveit.

Þallar þrumuðu þurrar á hæð.
Stundu vindar, vaknaði græð.
Hyrr í húmi hvarvetna rann.
Furðurauðar furur brann.

Kvað við klukkan, þreyðu undan,
í borg neðan bál brunnu hátt.
Fjölða feigan á flótta dreifði.
Drekans reiði kom at miðri nátt.

Undan kvámust bergi frá
dverga fáir einir þá.
Við mána reyktu fjöll öll rauð.
Inn fráni snákr sá hvar valr of lá.

Fjarri yfir úrig fjöll
oss fýsir fara um löndin öll.
Skulum rísa fyrir dag,
harma at hefna ok bæta hag.

I cheated a bit as there are two made up words: gló "glow"--I
couldn't find a noun derivative of glóa. And niflug "misty", from
nifl- compounds. It's probably terrible Norse in lots of other ways
I haven't thought of, but maybe we'll all learn something from my
mistakes... I learnt some new words anyway: dengja "hammer,
sharpen", græð "malice", örð "harvest".

Fornvísum smíðuðu "made for ancient kings". Supposed to be an ethic
dative, "for". Or would 'fyrir' be more likely?

Would it be 'hvat kvæði' "what songs/lays"--would the relative
pronoun / interrogative have to be plural, or would it be phrased:
hvat kvæða "what of songs"?

leggja á flótta "put to flight"--I don't know if 'dreifði' would be
possible here, but I stuck it in anyway for the rhyme.

How convincing are: skulum brott "we must away" (literally), &
þreyðu undan "they yearned to escape"? Can anyone think of a better
word to alliterate? I did have kröfðu undan, but I though that
might be more like "they asked/demanded to escape", if the phrase is
even possible. If I remember right, 'biðja undan' = "to make an
excuse to get out of something".

'steinbúandi', or maybe 'steinbúi', although I found this as a heiti
for "snake". But also in a later folktake referring to a dwarf.

In fact I'm curious to know how much of this even makes sense! By
the way, 'úrig fjöll' (actually "drizzly fells") crops up in
Hamðismál, and is supposed to have been Tolkien´s inspiration for
The Misty Mountains.


> >From: "llama_nom" <600cell@...>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: [norse_course] Hobbit byggði jarðhús (was Re: Tolkien)
> >Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 23:14:22 -0000
> >
> >
> >
> >Thanks! I just had to paraphrase coz I don´t know many words.
> >I´d forgotten daunn--I could only remember ilmr, but that´s
a "good
> >smell". *jörðhús was a silly mistake...
> >
> >For those of us not so familiar with the MI version, I've just
> >a few quotes here--maybe Patricia already got there?
> >
> >
> >
> >Actually, this is funnier to English speakers: skítug!!
> >
> >Llama Nom
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >--- In, Haukur Þorgeirsson
> ><haukurth@...> wrote:
> > > > This is probably way off the mark, but here goes:
> > > >
> > > > Hobbit byggði jörðhús. Þat var eigi hola saurfull ok aurig,
> >drjúp
> > > > ok blaut, eða maðkfull ok fúl, né enn hola þurr ok auð,
> >ok án
> > > > sætis. Heldr var hobbithola, ok þat gegnir sællífi.
> > >
> > > I think this is very amusing and well done :)
> > > One correction; 'jörðhús' is, I think, not a
> > > valid combination. The usual one is 'jarðhús'.
> > >
> > > We might nativise 'hobbit' as 'hobbitr' or 'hobbiti'.
> > > The last is one MI version. Another is 'hobbi'. I think
> > > it's actually a bit interesting *not* to nativise it.
> > > I wouldn't have thought of that. Nor would I have thought
> > > of some of the adjectives you use and I think "þat gegnir
> > > sællífi" for "that means comfort" is pure genius.
> > >
> > >
> > > > Hopefully someone will correct my mistakes. I wonder how the
> >Modern
> > > > Icelandic edition begins...
> > >
> > > I think yours is much more idiosyncratic and interesting.
> > > The modern translations (I think there are two) are probably
> > > too loyal to the English version to interest us.
> > >
> > > Kveðja,
> > > Haukur
> >
> >
> >
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