From: llama_nom
Message: 4792
Date: 2005-01-26
> Okay, second guess, how about something like:
> Virðibiti
> Virðibítr
> "Worth(y)-biter"? One recorded sword name Sómi means "honour",
> which I suppose is people´s opinion about what is worthy. You can
> find lots of great sword names here:
> The Þulur are old lists of poetic words for things (heiti). Look
> for the two lists sverða heiti & heiti á sverði "names of
> Another strategy might be to take a root meaning "worth" andattach
> one of the endings common in sword names. E.g. virðing is ato
> feminine noun meaning "valuation, opinion, esteem, reputation,
> honour", related to verðr "worthy"--would it be possible to make a
> name like: Virðingr, Virðungr, Verðnir? I can't anything already
> called that with Google. Or maybe a compound Verðhvati "worth-
> sharp"; Verðbrimir (?something to do with surf/sea = blood?), -
> askr "-ash", -hnefi "-fist", -gellir "-screamer?", -malmr "-
> ore/metal", etc.
> Llama Nom
> --- In, "xeon_ies" <xeon@...> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks a lot, Llama and Fjornir.
> > I never expected you folks to be so helpful!
> >
> > Harmbrenna sounds nice.
> >
> > As for "The Worthy One", it's actually a name I intend to give
> a sword.
> > What does "The Worthy Sword" and "The Worthy Slicer" translates
> to?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Xeon. :-)