From: Haukur Thorgeirsson
Message: 4750
Date: 2005-01-14
> Would subjunctive be either required or possible in Modern IcelandicThe indicative is still normal here.
> with a sentence like:
> Veit Þorsteinn eigi, hvat af honum verðr.
> "Th. didn't know what had happened to him" (or "what could have
> become of him")
> I remember reading somewhere in Old Norse a phrase that meant "comeI'm not sure what you're thinking of.
> what may" or "whatever happens", but unfortunately I can't think
> where at the moment, or what exactly it was--any ideas? I *think*
> it had SEM in it, and maybe HVAT, but definitely VERÐR, rather than
> VERÐI. Could it have been: hvat sem verðr? Google doesn't have
> anything for that though, and I don't know how to do multiple word
> searches on the Orðabók Háskólans' text archive. Sorry to be so
> vague (subjunctive even:)...