> BTW: Do we ever actially try to communicate in Old
> Norse on this mail group - not there yet but just
> wondering.

This is probably way off the mark, but here goes:

Hobbit byggði jörðhús. Þat var eigi hola saurfull ok aurig, drjúp
ok blaut, eða maðkfull ok fúl, né enn hola þurr ok auð, söndug ok án
sætis. Heldr var hobbithola, ok þat gegnir sællífi.

Hopefully someone will correct my mistakes. I wonder how the Modern
Icelandic edition begins... I was struck watching the films
recently by the number of Norse style expressions, e.g. I think
Gandalf says something like "I have lived three hundred lives of
men" -- ek hefi lifat þrjú hundrað mannsaldra?

Llama Nom

--- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, Andrew Higgins
<asthiggins@...> wrote:
> To All
> Ok! Ok! I have been in touch with Michael Barnes and
> will be getting his grammar and reader next week from
> the Viking Society - until then still plowing my way
> through E.V. Gordon.
> BTW: One of my holiday presents was Jane Chance's
> Tolkien and the Mythic Imagination which has some good
> essays on Tolkien and the role studying Old Norse
> (and the Oxford Kolbiter saga reading club) played in
> the development of his legendiarum.
> Best, Andy
> BTW: Do we ever actially try to communicate in Old
> Norse on this mail group - not there yet but just
> wondering.