From: llama_nom
Message: 4732
Date: 2005-01-10
> BTW: Do we ever actially try to communicate in OldThis is probably way off the mark, but here goes:
> Norse on this mail group - not there yet but just
> wondering.
> To All
> Ok! Ok! I have been in touch with Michael Barnes and
> will be getting his grammar and reader next week from
> the Viking Society - until then still plowing my way
> through E.V. Gordon.
> BTW: One of my holiday presents was Jane Chance's
> Tolkien and the Mythic Imagination which has some good
> essays on Tolkien and the role studying Old Norse
> (and the Oxford Kolbiter saga reading club) played in
> the development of his legendiarum.
> Best, Andy
> BTW: Do we ever actially try to communicate in Old
> Norse on this mail group - not there yet but just
> wondering.