Re: [norse_course] Auðun part 7/ feedback Alan

From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4733
Date: 2005-01-11

Attachments :

Hello Alan and happy new year to you!
And apologies for not getting back to you about your translation - don't know what happened (apart from Christmas preparations followed by a heavy cold)!!
You seem to have grasped all the aspects of the grammar in this section - couldn't find anything helpful to say :-)
I will post up the next section and promise to get back to folks promptly this time!
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2004 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Auðun part 7

Góðan daginn


Sarah – thanks for pointing out about “Danmerkr We have Gordon but somehow we overlooked the explanation L


On the question of why Auðun uses ‘vér’ in ‘en engu játum vér øðru en þessu er vér høfum áðr ætlat,’ my assumption when reading it was that the expression must have been a proverb, or well-known saying, and Auðun was simply quoting it.





Translation – Auðun 7


Áki lézk selja mundu honum vistir, ef hann vildi.
Áki said he would sell him (Auðun) provisions, if he wanted (them).

Auðun kvezk ekki til hafa fyrir at gefa; 'en ek vilda þó', segir hann,
Auðun declares himself to have nothing to give for (it); ’but I would like still’, says he,’

'at þetta kvæmisk til leiðar at ek mætta dýrit fœra konungi.'
that this be brought to pass that I might give the animal to (the) king

'Ek mun fá þér vistir, sem it þurfuð, til konungs fundar;
’I will get you provisions, as you two need, until (your) meeting (with)(the) king;

en þar í móti vil ek eiga hálft dýrit.
but there, in return, I want to have half the animal.

Ok máttu á þat líta, at dýrit mun deyja fyrir þér,
And you might, look on (consider) that, that the animal will die on you,

þars it þurfuð vistir miklar, en fé sé farit,
since you two need much provisions, but (and) (the) possession will be gone,

ok er búit við at þú hafir þá ekki dýrsins.'
and (it) is (will be) so placed by (this) that you have then nothing for the animal.’



-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Bowen [mailto:sarahbowen@...]
Sent: Monday, 6 December 2004 4:57 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun part 7


Enter Evil Aki to throw a spanner in the works!!


Áki lézk selja mundu honum vistir, ef hann vildi.  Auðun kvezk ekki til hafa fyrir at gefa; "en ek vilda þó", segir hann "at þetta kvæmisk til leiðar at ek mætta dýrit foera konungi."  "Ek mun fá þér vistir, sem it þurfuð, til konungs fundar; en þar í móti vil ek eiga hálft dýrit.  Ok máttu á þat líta, at dýrit mun deyja fyrir þér, þars it þurfuð vistir miklar, en fé sé farit, ok er búit við at þú hafir þá ekki dýrsins."


A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.


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