Re: Audun - 4/ feedback Alan

From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4632
Date: 2004-11-19

Hi Alan,
Excellent translation - and on reflection, I think your translation of
 þó at nauðsyn eigi til
is grammatically more accurate than the feedback I have to pdhanssen.  I thought that the noun nauðsyn governed the verb eigi rather than an absent hann - but didn´t argue the point in class at the time.
Haukur, do you agree Alan's version is more accurate than what I said?  [Which was...
þó at nauðsyn eigi til?"
þó at - conjunction: even though
nauðsyn - fem noun: need/necessity
eigi - verb, present subjunctive of eiga: has
Notice that the 3rd person singular pronoun "hann" is missing, it is implied in the form of the verb.
Piece that together to get
even though he might have need to. ]
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:50 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Audun - 4



Here’s my translation


BTW, Cleasby-Vigfusson on herbergi (from the uncorrected scanned version on the net):


her-bergi, n. (her-byrgi, Gþl. 139, Stj. 204), [A. S. hereberga or here- beorga; Old Engl. herberoive, harbrough, and herber (Chaucer); mod. Engl. harbour, arbour; mid. H. G. herberge; Germ. berberge; Swed. her-berge; hence Ital. albergo and Vr. attberge~\: -- a harbour (prop. ' host- shelter'):





Konungr mælti: "Villtu selja oss dýrit við slíku verði sem þú keyptir?" 

(The) king spoke: “Do you want to sell us (me!) the animal at such a price as you bought (it with)?”


Hann svarar:  "Eigi vil ek þat, herra." 

He answers: “I do not want that, lord.”


"Villtu þá," segir konungr, "at ek gefa þér tvau verð slík?

“Then do you want,” says (the) king, “that I give you two such prices? (twice the price)


ok mun þat réttara, ef þú hefir þar við gefit alla þína eigu." 

And that will be more just, if you have given therewith all your possessions (sg).”


"Eigi vil ek þat, herra", segir hann. 

“I do not want that, lord,” he says.


Konungr mælti: "Villtu gefa mér þá?" 

(The) king spoke: “Do you want to give (it) to me then?”


Hann svarar, "Eigi, herra." 

He answers, “No, lord”


Konungr mælti: "Hvat villtu þá af gøra?" 

(The) king spoke: “What do you want to do with (it) then?”


Hann svarar:  "Fara," segir hann, "til Denmerkr ok gefa Sveini konungi." 

He answers: “To go,” says he, “to Denmark and give (it) to King Sveinn”


Haraldr konungr segir, "Hvárt er, at þú ert maðr svá óvitr

King Harald says, “Which is (it): that you are a man so unaware


at þú hefir eigi heyrt ófrið þann er í milli er landa þessa,

that you have not heard of that hostility which exists between these countries,


eða ætlar þú giptu þína svá mikla, at þú munir þar komask með gørsimar,

or do you consider your good fortune so great, that you will make your way there with treasures,


er aðrir fá eigi komizk klakklaust, þó at nauðsyn eigi til?"

where others are not able to make their way unharmed, even though necessity obliges them to (go)?



-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Bowen [mailto:sarahbowen@...]
Sent: Monday, 15 November 2004 12:30 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Audun - 4


OK.  Here comes part 4!  [Hopefully without typos!]


Konungr mælti: "Villtu selja oss dýrit við slíku verði sem þú keyptir?"  Hann svarar:  "Eigi vil ek þat, herra."  "Villtu þá," segir konungr, "at ek gefa þér tvau verð slík? ok mun þat réttara, ef þú hefir þar við gefit alla þína eigu."  "Eigi vil ek þat, herra", segir hann.  Konungr mælti: "Villtu gefa mér þá?"  Hann svarar, "Eigi, herra."  Konungr mælti: "Hvat villtu þá af gøra?"  Hann svarar:  "Fara," segir hann, "til Denmerkr ok gefa Sveini konungi."  Haraldr konungr segir, "Hvárt er, at þú ert maðr svá óvitr at þú hefir eigi heyrt ófrið þann er í milli er landa þessa, eða ætlar þú giptu þína svá mikla, at þú munir þar komask með gørsimar, er aðrir fá eigi komizk klakklaust, þó at nauðsyn eigi til?"

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