Re: translantion section 4/ feedback Grace

From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4633
Date: 2004-11-19

Hi Grace!

Well done again! Just a couple of points...

I think that "villtu... " as in
Villtu selja oss dýrit
conveys more of a sense of volition in Old Norse than the English "will
you". Perhaps, "do you want to" would be better.

ok mun þat réttara
réttara is the comparative of rétt - literally, more right (or more just)

þó at nauðsyn eigi til?
even though necessity obliges (them) to

Have a look at Alan´s translation of this last sentence. I don´t think you
could improve much on that!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred and Grace Hatton" <hatton@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 4:07 PM
Subject: [norse_course] translantion section 4

> Konungr mælti: "Villtu selja oss dýrit við slíku verði sem þú keyptir?"
> The king said, “Will you sell us the animal in exhange for the same
> value as you bought (it)?”
> Hann svarar: "Eigi vil ek þat, herra." "Villtu þá," segir konungr,
> He answered, “I will not (do) that, Lord.” “Will you,” said the king,
> "at ek gefa þér tvau verð slík? ok mun þat réttara, ef þú hefir þar við
> “that I give you twice such value, and may that put right (compensate?)
> since you have there for it
> gefit alla þína eigu." "Eigi vil ek þat, herra", segir hann. Konungr
> given all your possessions.” “I will not (do) that, Lord,” he said.
> The king
> mælti: "Villtu gefa mér þá?" Hann svarar, "Eigi, herra." Konungr
> spoke, “Will you give it to me?” He answered, “No, Lord.” The King
> mælti: "Hvat villtu þá af gøra?" Hann svarar: "Fara," segir hann,
> spoke, “What will you do with it?” He answered, “ Go,” he said,
> "til Denmerkr ok gefa Sveini konungi." Haraldr konungr segir, "Hvárt
> “to Denmark and give (it) to King Svein.” King Harald said, “Can it be
> er, at þú ert maðr svá óvitr at þú hefir eigi heyrt ófrið þann er í
> that you are so ignorant a man, that you have not heard of the war which
> (is?)
> milli er landa þessa, eða ætlar þú giptu þína svá mikla, at þú munir
> between these countries, and you expect your luck (to be) so great, that
> you may
> þar komask með gørsimar, er aðrir fá eigi komizk klakklaust, þó at
> arrive there with the treasure, when others are not able to arrive
> without injury, even if
> nauðsyn eigi til?"
> (they) have of necessity ??”
> Grace
> --
> Fred & Grace Hatton
> Hawley, Pa.
> A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
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