Re: [norse_course] Auðun - 3

From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4574
Date: 2004-11-05

Hi Alan,
Very prompt!!  I will have a more detailed look at it and get back to you next weekend, but at first glance there doesn't seem to be anything helpful to say :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 10:37 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Auðun - 3



My translation for Auðun – 3 – finally on time.




Hefir Auðun dýr sitt með sér,

Auðun has his animal with him,


ok ætlar nú at fara suðr til Danmerkr á fund Sveins konungs,

and intends now to go south to Denmark to a meeting with King Sveinn


ok gefa honum dýrit.

And to give him the animal.


Ok er hann kom suðr í landit, þar sem konungr var fyrir,

And when he arrived south in the country, where (the) king was in residence,


þá gengr hann upp af skipi, ok leiðir eptir sér dýrit, ok leigir sér herbergi.

then he disembarks from (the) ship, and leads the animal behind him, and hires a room for himself.


Haraldi konungi var sagt brátt at þar var komit bjarndýri, gørsimi mikil,

To King Harald it was soon related that a bear had arrived there, a great treasure,


ok á Íslenzkr maðr.  Konungr sendir þegar menn eptir honum;

and (that) an Icelandic man owned it. (The) king then sends men after him;


ok er Auðun kom fyrir konung, kveðr hann konung vel.

And when Auðun came before (the) king, he greets (the) king well.


Konungr tók vel kveðju hans ok spurði síðan:

(The) king accepted his greeting well and then answered:


"Áttu gørsimi mikla í bjarndýri?"  Hann svarar ok kvezk eiga dýrit eitthvert. 

“Do you own a great treasure in (the shape of) a bear?” He answers and declares himself to own the animal referred to.




-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Bowen [mailto:sarahbowen@...]
Thursday, 4 November 2004 8:35 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun - 3




Here is the next installment.  Do start posting up your translations whenever you are ready, but I will not be getting back to you before Fri 12th Nov because I am away for a week.  I will try to complete the feedback by the end of that weekend and post up the next section.






Hefir Auðun dýr sitt með sér, ok ætlar nú at fara suðr til Danmerkr á fund Sveins konungs, ok gefa honum dýrit.  Ok er hann kom suðr í landit, þar sem konungr var fyrir, þá gengr hann upp af skipi, ok leiðr eptir sér dýrit, ok leigir sér herbergi.


Haraldr konungi var sagt brátt at þar var komit bjarndýri, gørsimi mikil, ok á Íslenzkr maðr.  Konungr sendir þegar menn eptir honum; ok er Auðun kom fyrir konung, kveðr hann konung vel.  Konungr tók vel kveðju hans ok spurði síðan: "Áttu gørsimi mikla í bjarndýri?"  Hann svarar ok kvezk eiga dýrit eitthvert. 


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