Re: [norse_course] Þáttr Auðunar continued!

From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4575
Date: 2004-11-05

Hi Alan,
Thank you for your thought-provoking comments :-)  Coming from an English-speaking mindset, I do find the way of expressing directions in Icelandic hard to master so I think I need to pass this one over to someone who knows better - Haukur, can you help us please?
As for "vera eptir"  I think it is only the context which gives us the slightly different meanings.  I suppose English is not too dissimilar... if a foreigner said "he was after" in some contexts it doesn't take too much mental gymnastics to realise they mean "he was there after something else happened, he continued to be there, he was left behind".  Whereas "sumarit eptir" is more straightforwardly the summer after or the following summer - because seasons can't generally be left behind. 
Are you able to follow my train of thought, or am I just talking gobbledegook?!!  Perhaps we need Haukur to step in again here!
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 9:50 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Þáttr Auðunar continued!



I’m tardy again with my translation. Thankyou for your comments on “útan vestr þar í fjörðum”. While you may well be right in your unravelling of the word order, and I can’t think of a better interpretation, it seems that it requires “þar” to be translated as “from there”  for which I would have thought “þaðan” would have been more likely. Cf

“heðan”  in the sentence “Ok nú fara þeir útan heðan…” which begins the 2nd instalment below. Sometimes it seems to me that the convoluted word order probably had more to do with the short supply of paper and a lack of “white out” or a back-space button: once they had committed a word to their manuscript there was no going backJ


Reading your comments to the other translators, while I note that “vera eptir” does mean “remain behind,” what is stopping the “of vetrinn eptir” being employed in exactly the same way as “um sumarit eptir” a few sentences “eptir”?


I will try and catch up with everyone else for instalment 3.




Ok nú fara þeir útan heðan, ok fersk þeim vel,

And now they journey abroad from here, and (it, the voyage) goes well for them,


ok var Auðun of vetrinn eptir með Þóri stýrimanni;

and Auðun was with Þórir, (the) ship’s captain, throughout the following winter.


hann átti bú á Moeri. 

He had a farm at Moer.


Ok um sumarit eptir fara þeir út til Groenlands,  ok eru þar of vetrinn. 

And in the following summer they journey out to Greenland, and are there over the winter.


Þess er við getit, at Auðun kaupir þar bjarndýri eitt, gørsimi mikla,

Of this it is recorded, that Auðun buys there a certain bear, a great treasure,


ok gaf fyrir alla eigu sína. 

and gave everything in his possession for it.


Ok nú of sumarit eptir fara þeir aptr til Nóregs, ok verða vel reiðfara.

And now, over the following summer, they journey back to Norway, and have a good voyage.




-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Bowen [mailto:sarahbowen@...]
Friday, 29 October 2004 5:08 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Þáttr Auðunar continued!




Here is the next section for anyone who wants to join in.  [Dirk, it would be good to hear from you, if you have the time?]  If anyone has not yet done the first section and still wants to, then I´m quite happy for you to post that up sometime and I´ll comment where I can.





Ok nú fara þeir útan heðan, ok fersk þeim vel, ok var Auðun of vetrinn eptir með Þóri stýrimanni; hann átti bú á Moeri.  Ok um sumarit eptir fara þeir út til Groenlands, ok eru þar of vetrinn.  Þess er við getit, at Auðun kaupir þar bjarndýri eitt, gørsimi mikla, ok gaf fyrir alla eigu sína.  Ok nú of sumarit eptir fara þeir aptr til Nóregs, ok verða vel reiðfara.




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