Here's my translation. I wasn't certain we were still working through
Hrafnkel but pleased we are.
One question re: Haukur's comment that, in the clause "Hann ferr norðr
til brúa", " brúa" is accusative plural. I would have expected that it
was genitive plural, as I thought "til" always took a genitive and it
has the normal gentive plural ending of "a". Any comments?
Með þenna flokk ríðr hann austr yfir Fljótsdalsheiði
With this company he rides east over Fljótsdalsheið
ok svá fyrir vatnsbotninn ok um þveran háls til Skriðudals
and so in front of the head of the lake and across (the) ridge to
ok upp eptir Skriðudal ok suðr á Øxarheiði til Berufjarðar
and up along Skriðudal and south on Øxarheið to Berufjörð
ok rétta þingmannaleið á Síðu.
and (the) straight Thingmens Way to Síða.
Suðr ór Fljótsdal eru sjautján dagleiðir á Þingvöll.
South out of Fljótsdal are seventeen days (of travel) to Þingvellir.
En eptir þat er hann var á brott riðínn ór heraði,
But after that when he was (had) ridden away out of (the) district,
þá safnar Sámr at sér mönnum.
then Sám gathers to himself men.
Fær hann mest til reiðar með sér einhleypinga ok þá,
He gets mostly single men to riding (ride) with him and those,
er hann hafði saman kvatt.
which he had ordered together.
Ferr Sámr ok fær þessum mönnum vápn ok klædi ok vistir.
Sám goes and gets weapons and clothes and provisions for these men.
Sámr snýr aðra leið ór dalnum.
Sám turns (takes) another route out of the dale.
Hann ferr norðr til brúa ok svá yfir brú ok þaðan yfir Möðrudalsheiði,
He goes north to (the) Bridge and so over (the) bridge and from there
over Möðrudalsheið,
ok váru í Möðrudal um nótt.
and (they) were in Möðrudal during (the) night.
Þaðan riðu þeir til Herðibreiðstungu
From there they rode to Herðibreiðstunga
ok svá fyrir ofan Bláfjöll ok þadan í Króksdal
and so over Bláfjöll and from there into Króksdal
ok svá suðr á Sand ok kómu ofan í Sandafell ok þaðan á Þingvöll,
and so south to Sand and (they) came down into Sandafell and from there
to Thingvellir,
ok var þar Hrafnkell eigi kominn.
and Hrafnkel was (had) not arrived there.
Ok fórsk honum því seinna, at hann átti lengri leið.
And (it) went slowly in this for him, (in) that he had a longer route.
Sámr tjaldar buð yfir sínum mönnum hvergi nær því,
Sám pitches a booth over his men nowhere near that,
sem Austfirðingar eru vanir at tjalda,
where (the) East Fjorders are accostomed to pitch,
en nökkuru síðar kom Hrafnkell á þing.
but somewhat later came Hrafnkel to (the) Thing.
Hann tjaldar buð sína, svá sem hann var vanr,
He pitches his tent, where he was accustomed,
ok spurði, at Sámr var á þinginu. Honum þótti þat hloegiligt.
and learned that Sám was at the Thing. That seemed to him laughable.
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