From: Fred and Grace Hatton Message: 4319 Date: 2004-05-04
Þorbjörn svarar: 'Því verðr engi uppreist yðar ungra manna,
“ They are not raising up, of you young men,
at yðr vex allt í augu.
that everything grows in your eye. (I couldn’t make any sense of the
Hygg ek, at engi maðr muni eiga jafnmikil auvirði at frændum sem ek.
I believe that no man may have (an) equally great worthless wretch for a
kinsman as I.
Sýnisk mér slíkum mönnum illa farit sem þér,
It seems to me, it goes ill to men like you,
er þykkisk lögkoenn vera ok ert gjarn á smásakar,
who think (themselves)to be skilled in the law, and are
eager in petty suits,
en vilt eigi taka við þessu máli, er svá er brynt.
but will not take up this suit, even as it ? (Couldn’t find anything in
Gordon or Zoega)
Mun þér verða ámælissamt, sem makligt er,
You should be ashamed, as is fitting,
fyrir því at þú ert hávaðamestr ór ætt várri.
for this reason that you are the noisiest of our family.
Sé ek nú, hvat sök horfir.'
I see now, what turn the suit (has taken?)
Sámr svarar: 'Hverju góðu ertu þá nær en áðr,
Sam answered, “How are you (to) profit (from) it (more) than before,
þótt ek taka við þessu máli ok sém vit þá báðir hrakðir?'
though I take up this suit, and as we both then (be?)wretches?.
Þorbjörn svarar: 'Þó er mér þat mikil hugarbót, at þú takir við málinu.
Þorbjörn answered, “Nevertheless it is to me a great consolation, that
you take up the case.
Verðr at því, sem má.'
Come what may.”
Sámr svarar: 'Ófúss geng ek at þessu.
Sam answered, “I do this unwillingly.
Meir geri ek þat fyrir frændsemi sakar við þik.
I do it more for the sake of friendship with you.
En vita skaltu, at mér þykkir þar heimskum manni at duga, sem þú ert.'
But know that to me it seems foolish to help a man, (such) as you are.”
Þá rétti Sámr fram höndina ok tók við málinu af Þorbirni.
Then Sam stretched out his hands and took up the suit from Þorbjörn.
Sámr lætr taka sér hest ok ríðr upp eptir dal ok ríðr á boe einn
Sam has a horse caught and rides up along the valley and rides to a
ok lysir víginu - fær sér menn - á hendr Hrafnkeli.
And makes known of the killing - - ? his men - - at the hand of Hrafnkell.
Hrafnkell spyrr þetta ok þótti hloegiligt,
Hrafnkell found out about this and thought (it) ridiculous,
er Sámr hefir tekit mál á hendr honum.
that Sam had taken the suit in his hand.
Leið nú á vetrinn.
The winter was ending.
En at vári, þá er komit var at stefnudögum,
And in the spring, when (the time) came for the summoning days,
ríðr Sámr heiman upp á Aðalból ok stefnir Hrafnkeli um víg Einars.
Sam rides from home up to A. and summonses Hrafnkell in the matter of
Einar’s killing.
Eptir þat ríðr Sámr ofan eptir dalnum ok kvaddi búa til þingreiðar,
After that Sam rides down along the valley and summoned (men?)to prepare
to ride to attend the Þing,
ok sitr hann um kyrrt, þar til er menn búask til þinsreiðar.
and remains quiet, there until when men got ready to ride to the Þing.
Hrafnkell sendi þá menn ofan eptir dalnum ok kvaddi upp menn.
Hrafnkell sent there men up along the valley and summoned men.
Hann fær ór þinghá sinni sjau tigu manna.
He went from his assembly district (with) 70 men.
Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.
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