From: Alan Thompson
Message: 3875
Date: 2003-11-26
Hi all
If anyone is interested, I have a few photos which I took of Aðalból and other scenery from Hrafnkell´s Saga which I snapped while on holidays in Iceland in 1999. Just say if you you would be interested and I´ll post them.
Translation below
Hann spurði alla sauðarmenn at seljum,
He asked all shepherds at (the) shielings (dat pl),
ef nõkkurr hefði sét þetta fé, ok kvazk engi sét hafa.
if anyone had seen these sheep (acc sg), and (they) declared themselves not to have seen (them).
Einarr reið Freyfaxa allt frá eldingu ok til miðs aptans.
Einarr rode Freyfaxi ( completely from dawn until mid evening (gen sg).
Hestrinn bar hann skjótt yfir ok víða,
The horse carried him swiftly over and widely,
því at hestrinn var góðr af sér.
because the horse was powerful (good of himself).
Einari kom þat í hug, at honum mundi mál heim
To Einarr that came to mind, that for him it would (be) time (to go) home
ok reka þat fyrst heim, sem heima var,
and to drive those (acc sg) first home, which at home were,
þótt hann fyndi hitt eigi.
Even though he finds (subj) the others (acc sg) not.
Reið hann þá austr yfir hálsa í Hrafnkelsdal.
Rode he then east over ridges (acc pl) into Hrafnkelsdalr.
En er hann kemr ofan at Grjótteigi,
But when he comes down to Grjótteigr (dat sg),
heyrir hann sauðarjarm fram með gilinu,
hears he ‘sheep-bleating’ (acc sg) ahead along the gorge,
þangat sem hann hafði fram riðit áðr.
From where he had ridden away from (?) before.
Snýr hann þangat til ok sér renna í móti sér þrjá tigu ásauðar,
Turns he thither and sees run towards him thirty sheep/ewes.
þat sama sem hann vantat hafði áðr viku,
those same ones (sg) which he had lost a week before,
ok støkkði hann því heim með fénu.
and drove he them (dat sg) back with the flock(?).
Hestrinn var vátr allr af sveita, svá at draup ór hverju hári hans,
The horse was all wet from sweat, so that (it) dripped out of each hair of his,
var mjõk leirstokkinn ok móðr mjõk ákafliga.
was very mud-bespattered and exhausted very exceedingly.
Hann veltisk nõkkurum tólf sinnum,
He rolled himself over some twelve times,
ok eptir þat setr hann upp hnegg mikit.
And after that he lets out a great neigh.
Siðan tekr hann á mikilli rás ofan eptir gõtunum.
Then, he takes a great rush down along the road.
Einarr snýr eptir honum ok vill komask fyrir hestinn
Einarr turns after him and wants to come before (intercept) the horse
ok vildi hõndla hann ok fœra (foera) hann aptr til hrossa,
and wanted to seize him and bring him back to (the) horses,
en hann var svá styggr, at Einarr komsk hvergi í nándir honum.
but he was so shy, that Einarr comes nowhere in proximity to him.
Hestrinn hleypr ofan eptir dalnum ok nemr eigi stað,
The horse runs down along the dale (dat sg) and takes no pause,
fyrr en hann kemr á Aðalból.
before he comes to Aðalból.
Þá sat Hrafnkell yfir borðum.
Then sat Hrafnkell ’at table’ (dat pl)
Ok er hestrinn kemr fyrir dyrr, hneggjaði hann þá hátt.
And when the horse comes in front of (the) door, neighed he then loudly.
Hrafnkell mælti við eina konu, þá sem þjónaði fyrir borðinu,
Hrafnkell spoke with one woman, that one who ´waited on’ the table.
at hon skyldi fara til duranna, því at hross hneggjaði,
that she should go to the door (gen pl) because a horse neighed,
--'ok þótti mér líkt vera gnegg Freyfaxa.'
--‘and (it) seems to me likely to be (the) neigh of Freyfaxi.’
Hon gengr fram í dyrrnar ok sér Freyfaxa mjõk ókræsiligan.
She walks forward to the door (acc pl) and sees Freyfaxi very dirty (acc sg).
Hon sagði Hrafnkeli,
She said to Hrafnkell (dat sg)
at Freyfaxi var fyrir durum úti, mjõk óþokkuligr.
That Freyfaxi was in front of (the) door (dat pl) outside, very dirty.
From: Laurel Bradshaw
Sunday, 23
November 2003
Subject: [norse_course] Hrafnkel
Sorry it's late. I've had two job interviews this week!
Let's post translations beginning Nov. 25.
Post comments and corrections beginning Dec. 10
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