From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 3745
Date: 2003-10-19
----- Original Message -----From: Laurel BradshawSent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 6:00 PMSubject: [norse_course] Hrafnkel 47-73 / LaurelCHAPTER 3Bjarni hét maðr, er bjó at þeim b, er at Laugarhúsum heitir.Bjarni - was called - a man - who - dwelled - at - that - farmstead - which - Laugarhús - is calledThere was a man called Bjarni who lived at the farmstead known as Laugarhus (Hotspring House),Þat er í - is - in - Hrafnkelsdalrwhich is in Hrafnkel's Valley.Hann var kvángaðr ok átti tvá sonu við konu sinni,he - was - married - and - had - two - sons - with - wife - hisHe was married and had two sons by his wife,ok hét annarr Sámr, en annarr Eyvindr, vænir menn ok efniligir.and - was called - the one - Sámr - and - the other - Eyvindr - handsome - men - and - promisingone called Sam and the other Eyvind, handsome and promising men.Eyvindr var heima með feðr sínum,Eyvindr - was - at home - along with - father - hisEyvind lived at home with his father,en Sámr var kvángaðr ok bjó í norðanverðum dalnum á þeim b,but - Sámr - was - married - and - dwelled - in - northern part - of the valley - at - that- farmsteadbut Sam was married and lived in the northern part of the valley at the farmsteader heitir á Leikskálum, ok átti hann margt fé.which - is called - Leikskálar - and - had - he - many - cattle/sheep/possessionsknown as Leikskalar (Play-sheds), and he owned much wealth.Sámr var uppivõzlumaðr mikill ok lõgknn,Sámr - was - a pushing, contentious man - great - and - skilled in the lawSam was a very argumentative man and skilled at the law,en Eyvindr gerðisk farmaðr ok fór útan til Nóregs ok var þar um vetrinn.but - Eyvindr - became - a trader - and - traveled - out (a convention meaning away from Iceland) - to - Norway - and - was - there - during - the winterbut Eyvind became a trader and went abroad to Norway and was there for the winter.Þaðan fór hann ok út í lõnd ok nam staðar í Miklagarðifrom there - traveled - he - and - out (a convention meaning away from Norway) - to - lands/countries - and - took - a spot - in - ConstantinopleFrom there he journeyed abroad to other countries and stopped in Constantinopleok fekk þar góðar virðingar af Grikkjakonungi ok var þar um hrið.and - received - there - good - honor - from - Greek king - and - was - there - for a timeand gained great honor from the King of the Greeks and stayed there for a while.Hrafnkell átti þann grip í eigu sinni, er honum þótti betri en annarr.Hrafnkell - had - that - animal - in - possession - his - which - he - thought - better - than - otherHrafnkel had a certain animal in his possession, which he thought better than any other.Þat var hestr brúnmóálóttr at lit, er hann kallaði Freyfaxa sinn.this - was - a stallion - brownish grey with a dark stripe down the back - in - color - which - he - called - Freyfaxi - hisThis was a dun-colored stallion with a dark stripe down its back, which he called his Freyfaxi.Hann gaf Frey, vin sínum, þann hest hálfan.he - gave - to Freyr - patron - to him - that - stallion - halfHe dedicated half of that stallion to his patron Frey.Á þessum hesti hafði hann svá mikla elsku, at hann strengði þess heit,towards - this - stallion - had - he - so - much - affection - that - he - swore - of it - a solemn vowHe had so much affection for this stallion, that he swore a solemn vow about it,at hann skyldi þeim manni at bana verða, sem honum riði án hans vilja.that - he - must - that - man - to - death - cause - who - him - rode - without - his - willingthat he must bring about the death of any man who rode it without his permission.Þorbjõrn hét maðr. Hann var bróðir BjarnaÞorbjõrn - was called - a man - he - was - brother - of BjarniThere was a man named Thorbjorn. He was Bjarni's brotherok bjó á þeim b í Hrafnkelsdal, er á Hóli hét, gegnt Aðalbóli fyrir austan.and - lived - at - that - farm - in - Hrafnkelsdalr - which - Hólar - was called - opposite - Aðalból - along - eastwardsand lived in Hrafnkel's Valley at a farm called Holar, which was opposite Adalbol to the east.Þorbjõrn átti fé lítit, en ómegð mikla.Þorbjõrn - had - cattle/possessions - little - and - dependents (noun used collectively) - muchThorbjorn had little wealth, and many dependents.Sonr hans hét Einarr, inn elzti.son - his - was called - Einarr - the - eldestHis eldest son was called Einar.Hann var mikill ok vel mannaðr. Þat var á einu vári,he - was - big - and - well - accomplished - it - was - in - one - springHe was big and well accomplished. One spring,at Þorbjõrn mælti til Einars, at hann mundi leita sér vistar nõkkurar, --that - Þorbjõrn - said - to - Einarr - that - he - must - seek - himself - employment - somewhatThorbjorn said to Einar, that he must seek some employment for himself, --"því at ek þarf eigi meira forvirki en þetta lið orkar, er hér er,because - I - require - not - more - labour - than - this - host - work - which - here - is"because I don't need any more workers than those already here provide,en þér mun verða gott til vista, því at þú ert mannaðr vel.but - to you - will - happen - good - concerning - employment - because - you - are - accomplished - wellbut you will have good luck getting employment, because you are so well accomplished.Eigi veldr ástleysi þessari brottkvaðning við þik,not - is the cause - lack of affection - this - sending away - towards - yourselfThis sending you away is not caused by a lack of affection,því at þú ert mér þarfastr barna minna.because - you - are - to me - most necessary - of children - minebecause you are the most dear to me of all my children.Meira veldr því efnaleysi mitt ok fátkð.more - is the cause - because - lack of means - my - and - povertyIt is caused more by my lack of means and poverty.En õnnur bõrn mín gerask verkmenn.but - other - children - of mine - will become - laborersMy other children will become laborers,Mun þér þó verða betra til vista en þeim."shall - to you - though - happen - better - concerning - employment - than - thembut you will get a better position than they will."
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