Jed to Grace re- Hrafnkel

From: Gerald Mcharg
Message: 3729
Date: 2003-10-11

 'bœ' is the proper spelling, not 'bo'.  '(at) þeim bœ' is simply dative singular for 'at that farmstead'.
'Bjo' - 3rd person sing. past tense of 'bua' - also has the meaning 'dwelt' or 'lived at'.
So the  whole sentence could be translated as 'Bjarni was the name of a man who lived at that farm which is called Laugarhouses.'
'Fekk is the past tense of 'fá' - 'to get', so 'ok fekk þar góðar virðingar af Grikkjakonungi' can be translated as 'and got there good (great/much) honour from the Greek king (Byzantine emperor)'
'þarf' means 'need' and 'orkar' here does not come from the noun 'orka', which means 'strength', but from the verb 'orka', which means 'to work'
So, 'því at ek þarf eigi meira forvirki en þetta lið orkar' means ' because I need not more labour than this people works' In other words ' I need no more labour than this household provides'
'veldr', from 'valda',  means 'to wield' or 'be the cause of'. So this sentence would translate something like 'lack of means and poverty are more the cause of (my sending you away)'.
Time presses on. I'll miss my film on television if I don't stop now. If you want more help, let me know

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