From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 3685
Date: 2003-09-28
> ok sagðisk hann bústað vilja reisa sér.Yes, I wondered about this one too. At first I thought it might convey
> and said[1] he dwelling wishes to raise for himself
> and said he wished to raise himself a dwelling.
> en vildi þó vera yfirmaðr þeira ok tók goðorð yfir þeim.In his Introduction (ha!ha!) to Old Norse, Gordon glosses goðorð as the rank
> but wished yet to be over-man their and took goði-hood[2] over them
> but still wanted to be their leader, and took priesthood over them.
> ok sagðisk hann bústað vilja reisa sér.Yes, I wondered about this one too. At first I thought it might convey
> and said[1] he dwelling wishes to raise for himself
> and said he wished to raise himself a dwelling.
> en vildi þó vera yfirmaðr þeira ok tók goðorð yfir þeim.In his Introduction (ha!ha!) to Old Norse, Gordon glosses goðorð as the rank
> but wished yet to be over-man their and took goði-hood[2] over them
> but still wanted to be their leader, and took priesthood over them.
> Hann þrøngði undir sik Jökulsdalsmönnum til þingmanna hans,As you say, this does seem to imply a more specific kind of allegiance - I
> he pressed under him Jökulsdal-men to thing-men his
> He coerced the men of Jökulsdal into his liege-men[2],
> því at engi fekk af honum neinar boetr, hvat sem hann gerði.You said you interpret this as he never paid compensation because no one was
> because none took from him none compensation, what ever he did
> because no one took compensation from him, whatever he did[3].
> Þessa leið fara þeir einir, er kunnugastir eru um Fljótsdalsheiði.Ha! I can never remember all the vowel mutations either, but I'm sure
> [4] Here I'm guessing, a superlative of kunnigr? But I'm not sure why the
> i would change to u.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Erich Rickheit KSC" <rickheit-ync@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2003 7:42 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Hrafnkel 19-46
> per Laurel's mail, I think I can send this around for people's perusal.
> particular questions at the bottom.
> Thanks to all for you comments and help on the first chapter:
> Erich
> --
> Hrafnkell lagði þat í vanða sinn at ríða yfir á heiðar á sumarit.
> Hrafnkel laid it in custom his to ride over to heaths during summer.
> Hrafnkel made it his custom to ride over the heaths in summer.
> Þá var Jökulsdalr albyggðr upp at brúm.
> Then was Jökulsdalr all-settled up to bridges.
> At that time Jökulsdal was completely settled up to the bridges.
> Hrafnkell reid upp eptir Fljótsdalsheiði ok sá,
> Hrafnkel rode up behind Fljótsdalsheið and saw
> Hrafnkel rode up past Fljótsdalsheið and saw
> hvar eyðidalr gekk af Jökulsdal.
> everywhere waste valley going out of Jökulsdal
> everywhere an empty valley going away from Jökulsdal.
> Sá dalr syndisk Hrafnkatli byggiligri en aðrir dalir,
> that valley showed-itself to Hrafnkel more habitable than other valleys
> That valley seemd to Hrafnkel more habitable than any other valley
> þeir sem hann hafði áðr sét.
> those as he had before seen.
> that he had seen before.
> En er Hrafnkell kom heim, beiddi hann föður sinn fjárskiptis,
> But when Hrafnkel came home, asked he father his property-share
> And when Hrafnkel got home, he asked his father for his share of the
> ok sagðisk hann bústað vilja reisa sér.
> and said[1] he dwelling wishes to raise for himself
> and said he wished to raise himself a dwelling.
> Þetta veitir faðir hans honum,
> This granted father his to him
> This his father granted him,
> ok hann gerir sér boe í dal þeim ok kallar á
> and he built for himself farmstead in valley that and called (to)
> and he built himself a farmstead in that valley and called it Aðalból
> (the Manor).
> Hrafnkell fekk Oddbjargar Skjöldólfsdóttur ór Laxárdal.
> Hrafnkel took Oddbjörg Skjödólfsdottir from Laxárdal
> Hrafnkel married Oddbjörg Skjödólfsdottir from Laxárdal.
> Þau áttu tvá sonu.
> They had two sons.
> Hét inn ellri Þórir, en inn yngri Ásbjörn.
> Named the elder Þórir, but the younger Ásbjörn.
> The elder was called Þórir, and the younger Ásbjörn.
> En þá er Hrafnkell hafði land numit á Aðalbóli,
> but then when Hrafnkel had land taken at Aðalból,
> And when Hrafnkell had settled the land at Aðalból,
> þá efldi hann blót mikil.
> then performed he sacrifice great.
> He performed a great sacrifice.
> Hrafnkell lét gera hof mikit.
> Hrafnkel made to build temple great
> Hrafnkel caused a great temple to be built.
> Hrafnkell elskaði eigi annat goð meir en Frey,
> Hrafnkel loved no other god more than Frey,
> ok honum gaf hann alla ina beztu gripi sína hálfa við sik.
> and to him gave he all the best valuables his half with himself
> and he split with Him half of all his best valuables.
> Hrafnkell byggði allan dalinn ok gaf mönnum land,
> Hrafnkel settled all the dale and gave to men land
> Hrafnkel settled the whole valley and gave men land,
> en vildi þó vera yfirmaðr þeira ok tók goðorð yfir þeim.
> but wished yet to be over-man their and took goði-hood[2] over them
> but still wanted to be their leader, and took priesthood over them.
> Við þetta var lengt nafn hans ok kallaðr Freysgoði,
> with this was lengthened name his and was called Freysgoði
> Because of this his name was lengthened, and he was called 'Freysgoði',
> ok var ójafnaðarmaðr mikill, en menntr vel.
> and was un-justice-man great but well-bred well
> and he was an very unjust man, but well-bred.
> Hann þrøngði undir sik Jökulsdalsmönnum til þingmanna hans,
> he pressed under him Jökulsdal-men to thing-men his
> He coerced the men of Jökulsdal into his liege-men[2],
> var linr ok blíðr við sína menn,
> was kindly and gracious with his own men
> en striðr ok stirðlyndr við Jökulsdalsmenn,
> but stiff and stiff-tempered with Jökulsdal-men,
> but stiff and harsh with the men of Jökulsd