From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 3566
Date: 2003-09-10
----- Original Message -----From: Laurel BradshawSent: Monday, September 08, 2003 8:58 PMSubject: [norse_course] At last! Finishing Bodvarr / LaurelHott pulls one over the king's men! [but not the king!]Bodvar lines 128 156 ... the final instalment of our story!Konungr horfði á dýrit ok mælti síðan,king - turns/looks - at - the beast - and - says - afterwardsThe king turned and looked at the beast and said after a while,Enga sé ek fơr á dýrinu, en hverr vill nú taka kaup einn ok ganga í móti því?no - see - I - movement - in - the beast - but - who - will - now - take/receive - reward - a (certain) - and - go - against - that one"I see no movement in the beast, so who now wants to earn a reward and proceed against him?"Bơðvarr mælti, Þat væri næsta hrausts manns forvitnisbót.BQðvarr - says - that - would - very nearly - of stout-hearted/brave - man - satisfaction of curiosityBodvar said, "That would certainly remove a brave man's curiosity.Hơttr félagi, rektu nú af þér illmælit þat at menn láta, sem engi krellr né dugr muni í þér vera.HQttr - comrade - clear yourself - now - of - your - slander - that - by - men - alleging - that - neither - hardihood - nor - doughtiness - will not - in - you - beClear yourself now, comrade Hood, of that ill-repute where men allege that neither courage nor valor are to be found in you.Far nú ok drep þú dýrit.go - now - and - slay - you - the beastGo on now and kill the beast.Máttu sjá at engi er allfúss til can - see - that - none - is - very eager - for this - of the othersYou can see that none of the others is very eager to do it."Já sagði Hơttr, ek mun til þessa ráðask.yes - says - HQttr - I - will - concerning - this - undertake"Yes" said Hood, "I will attempt to do this."Konungr mælti, Ekki veit ek hvaðan þessi hreysti er at þér komin, Hơttr,king - says - not - know - I - from whence - courage - is - to - you - come - HQttrThe king siad, "I don't know where this courage has come to you from, Hood,ok mikit hefir um þik skipazk á skammri stundu.but - big/much - has - in - you - undergo a change - in - a (comparatively) short - length of timebut there has been a big change in you in a short time."Hơttr mælti, Gef mér til sverðit Gullinhjalta, er þú heldr á,HQttr - says - give - to me - for this purpose - the sword - Gullinhjalti - which - you - indeed - own/have/possessHood said, "Give me for this purpose the sword Goldenhilt which you are holding,ok skal ek þá fella dýrit eða fá bana.and - shall - I - then - slay - the beast - or - receive - killingand I shall either slay the beast or die trying."Hrólfr konungr mælti, Þetta sverð er ekki beranda nema þeim manni sem bæði er góðr drengr ok hraustr.Hrólfr - king - says - this - sword - is - not - able to be carried - except - by that - man - who - both - is - a noble - warrior - and - braveKing Hrolf said, "This sword cannot be carried except by that man who is both a brave and gallant fighter."Hơttr sagði, Svá skaltu til ætla at mér sé svá háttat.HQttr - says - thus - must you - believe - upon - me - might be - such - arrangedHood said, "Therefore you must believe that such qualities might be possessed by me."Konungr mælti, Hvat má vita, nema fleira hafi skipzk um hagi þína en sjá þykkir?king - says - what - can - ascertain - except - more (comparative) - has - undergo a change - about - character - your - than - thus - seems to oneThe king said, "What can one know, except that there has been more of a change in your character than has yet become evident?En fæstir menn þykkjask þik kenna, at þú sér inn sami maðr.but - smallest number - of men - think - you - recognize - that - you - appear to be - the - same - manBut only the fewest of men would think that they recognize you to be the same man.Nú tak við sverðinu ok njót manna bezt, ef þetta er til - accept/receive - the sword - and - have the use of - men - best - if - this - is - accomplishedNow take the sword and have the best of men's use of it, if this is accomplished."Síðan gengr Hơttr at dýrinu alldjarfliga ok høggr til þess,then - advances - HQttr - against - the beast - very boldly - and - strikes - at - itThen Hood advanced very boldly against the beast and struck at itþá er hann kømr í hơggfoeri, ok dýrit fellr niðr dautt.when - he - comes - within - striking distance - and - the beast - fell - down - deadwhen he came close enough, and the beast fell down dead.Bơðvarr mælti, Sjáið nú, herra, hvat hann hefir til unit.BQðvarr - says - see - now - lord - what - he - has - accomplishedBodvar said, "See now, sire, what he has accomplished."Konungr segir, Víst hefir hann mikit skipazk,king - says - certainly - has - he - greatly - changedThe king said, "He has certainly changed greatly,en ekki hefir Hơttr einn dýrit drepit; heldr hefir þú þat gơrt.but - not - has - HQttr - alone - the beast - killed - rather - have - you - it - donebut Hood alone has not killed the beast; rather you have done it."Bơðvarr segir, Vera má at svá sé.BQðvarr - says - to be - can - concerning - such - might beBodvar said, "That could be possible."Konungr segir, Vissa ek, þá er þú komt hér, at fáir mundu þínir jafningjar vera,king - says - knew - I - when - you - came - here - that - few - would - your - equal - beThe king said, "I knew when you came here that few would be your equal,en þat þykki mér þó þitt verk frægiligast, at þú hefir gơrt hér annan kappa þar er Hơttr er,but - this - seems - to me - yet - your - deed - most magnificent - that - you - have - made - here - another - champion - that - HQttr - isbut this seems to me your most notable achievement yet, that you have made here another champion of Hood,ok óvænligr þótti til mikillar giptu.who - unlikely - seemed - to obtain - of great - fortunewho seemed unlikely to have any prospect of great fortune.Ok nú vil ek at hann heiti eigi Hơttr lengr ok skal hann heita Hjalti upp frá þessu;and - now - will - I - that - he - be called - not - HQttr - any longer - but - shall - he - be called - Hjalti - from now onAnd now I command that he be called Hood no longer, but he shall be called Hilt from now on;skaltu heita eptir sverðinu shall - be named - after - the sword - Gullinhjaltiyou shall be named after the sword Goldenhilt."
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