Sæl Mircea!
For a dictionary I use www.northvegr.org/zoega
Other good learning materials are M Barnes'  "A New Introduction to Old Norse"  isbn 0 903521 45 8
There is also a Reader to go with this  isbn 0 903521 50 4 and a Glossary to go with that isbn 0 903521 51 2
I got them direct from University College London for £5 each.  You could try emailing Michael Barnes at m.barnes@...
Good luck,
----- Original Message -----
From: Mircea P.
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 4:48 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Questions bout some useful material

I'm looking to the text about Bothvar, and I'm noticing that I don't know many words... is there some (possibly good ) dictionary available on the internet?
And where can I continue studying after lesson six? 
are there some wider grammars on the net? Or are the lessons from 7 to 12 enough for now?
Which books are usually used to learn ON?
Thanks a lot!

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