Re: Norwegian folk songs

From: xigung
Message: 3060
Date: 2003-04-23

Hi !
I found the archive of Norwegian Folk songs here:

As a sample of the typical language used, here is an

Frånarormen og Islandsgalten
Oppskrift 1851 av L. M. Lindeman etter Aslaug Gunleiksdotter,
Telemark .
1. Eg var no meg saa liten ein Gut
eg gjætte Fæ unde Lie
saa kom den frie Flanarormin
han monne i Grase skrie.
-Fordi ligger Ormin i Yseland uti Floi-

(I was such a little boy,
I herded cattle in the hill sides,
then came the free Shining Worm,
slither he could through the gras.
- Therefore lieth the Worm in Iceland out in the Ocean.)

- something like that.

It is easy to see that the language isn't Danish.
(how on earth did such a misconception arise?)
See e.g. forms like "eg" for I/me.

The other song about the Girl lost in the Troll forrest
I could not find. The net search did however inform me to
be a bit careful, in that there are many black metal groups
who use such songs. But I don't know if they are genuine
old song. Many of them probably aren't.


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