Mjög er bráður sá er á bröndum skal síns um freista frama.??

From: Steven T. Hatton
Message: 2694
Date: 2003-02-17

I decided to try and pickup working on translatng the Hávamál again. I
haven't been working directly on Old Norse, but I have been trying to read it
while studying related materials. Some if it I can read with a little bit of
help. Some of it just leaves me stumpped. This strophe from the Hávamál is
an example of what I can't get.

Gefendur heilir!
Gestur er inn kominn!
hvar skal sitja sjá?
Mjög er bráður
sá er á bröndum skal
síns um freista frama.

If someone could help me figure out the meaning of these words I would be most

Here is my attempt at glossing some of the terms:



bráðr (neut. brátt)
a. (1) sudden (b. bani); (2) hasty, hot-tempered; þú hefir verit hølzti b.
(too eager, too rash) í þessu máli.


frama (að), v.
to further; f. sik, to distinguish oneself; of a woman, in pp, neut., með
barni A mjök framat, and far advanced.
freista (að), v.
(1) to tempt, make trial of, with gen.; (2) to try; f. í=þróttar, to try a
feat; f. sín í móti e-m to try one's strength against another; with infin.,
f. at renna skeið, to try to run a race.




inn (compar. innarr, superl. innst)
adv. (1) in, into; ganga inn í búðina, to go into the booth; ganga inn, to
go indoors (Njáll gekk ýmist út eða inn); kasta e-m (setja e-n) inn, to cast
into prison; var þar glaumr mikill inn (in the house) at heyra; inn eptir
firði, inwards along the firth; (2) denoting the situation of a place, = inni
(varð Hálfdán bráðdauðr inn í þrándheimi); (3) innarr, more inward, farther
in; innst, most inward, farthest in.


very [Icelandic Taylor]


sá (sú, þat)
dem. pron. (1) with a subst. that (sá maðr, sú kona) ; sá maðr, er Sóti
heitir, that (or the) man who is named S. ; with the suff. art.; sú ein er
sagan eptir, er ek þori eigi þér at segja, that story alone is left which I
dare not tell thee; (2) such (varð sá fundr þeirra, at Egill felldi tvá menn)
; vil ek ok þat vita, hvárt nökkurr er sá hér, at, whether there be any
(such) man here, who; (3) preceding the art. with an adj.; sá inn ungi maðr,
that young man; hyrnan sú in fremri, the upper horn of the axe ; sometimes
leaving out the art. (sá ungi maðr; á þvi sama þingi); (4) without subst.,
almost as a pers. pron.; maðr la skamt frá honum, ok var sá eigi lítill, and
he was no small man ; þar ríðr maðr, sá hefir skjöld mikinn, he has a large
shield; with the relative part.; sá er sæll, er he is lucky, that
gen. from the refl. pron., hefna s., to revenge oneself.
Hatton's Law: There is only One inviolable Law.

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