Thanks, Haukur, for your help.
The next passage I'm working on is the account of Thorolfr
Mostrarskegg's settlement in Landnamabok. The passage says: "En er hann
kom vestr fyrir Breiðafjórð; þá skaut hann fyrir borð öndvegissúlum
sínum; þar var skorinn á Þórr."
I've translated this as: "When he came west to Breiðafjörð; then he
threw overboard his high-seat pillar; Þórr was carved upon it.".
However, the sense of the last clause is ambiguous. "skorinn" really
means "to cut, notch or score", so it's a bit of a stretch to say
carved, but this is how Turville-Petre sees it. Alternatively, it could
mean "to call upon, invoke", and this fits the context just as well.
What do you think?
Thanks again,
Daniel Bray
School of Studies in Religion A20
University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia