Re: FW: [Norse course] Trash-lations

From: keth@...
Message: 1823
Date: 2002-03-19

Hæ Lazarus,
I know what you mean. If I am not mistekiN, the "net-edition" also
uses Icelandic orthographics. The thing is, however, that the two
are so simialar, that in retrospect I am never quite sure if it was
New or Old Icelandic that I read.

I think, perhaps, grammatical details are, to a certain extent
clarified if you write the text using the 20th century orthography.
Especially if you have a full set of reference books - grammar
and lexigraphic works - that are standard for 20th century Icelandic,
then it might be useful - in some cases removing some ambiguity -
also to have the texts you read normalized to 20th century Icelandic.

However, if you want to transform the same texts back to normalized
Medieval Icelandic, then I think there are just a few very simple
substitutions that will accomplish this.

I once tried this by means of the computer - using the "search-and-replace"
function - and it wasn't much work before the whole job had been
completed. Mainly it was replacing -r by -ur (at the ends of words)
and then "at" by "að" (the infinitive marker) + some other very
easy stuff. Maybe Haukur can draw up a complete list.

Best regards

Lazarus wrote:
>> Iceland does not do translations of Old Norse for the home market, they
>> read the originals.
>I own two translations of the King's Book/Poetic Edda that were translated
>from the original to Icelandic. Below is the clipping from Mal og Menning
>press about one of them. The other was a limited edition run of 500 that
>includes photographs of every page of the King's Book, a version typeset in
>Icelandic and a version typeset in English (I can't find the website my wife
>bought it on. It was a gift.)
> Eddukvæði
> Eddukvæði eru einhver dýrmætasti ljóðarfur Íslendinga og allra
>norrænna manna. Þau fjalla um fornnorræn goð og germanskar hetjur, lýsa
>heimsmynd og daglegum háttum kynslóða frá forneskju og fram um víkingaöld. Í
>Eddukvæðum eru sagðar áhrifamiklar örlagasögur manna og goða og í þeim
>birtast siðaboð og trúfræði heiðins tíma. Þau eru í senn ævaforn og sífresk,
>bæði að efni, tungutaki og skáldskap. Eddukvæði eru ýmist djúpvitur
>fræðslukvæði um mannlegt hlutskipti og hátterni, víðfrægar ásta- og
>bardagasögur eða leikræn helgiljóð og jafnvel gamanbragir um goðin.
> Gísli Sigurðsson íslenskufræðingur sér um útgáfuna og ritar ýtarlegan
>inngang. Kvæðunum fylgja skýringar hans og eftirmáli, og að lokum er skrá um
>nöfn persóna og staða.
> 444 blaðsíður.
> Útgáfa 1998.
>Sumir hafa kvæði...
>...aðrir spakmæli.
>- Keth
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