From: Úlfgrímr
Message: 1652
Date: 2002-01-12
> From: hrothvar [mailto:bigdawg@...]hagleikr (specifically in relation to crafts)
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 10:36 AM
> Greetings unto this list, from a sometime student, sometime lurker.
> I was requested to get the following words tranlated, and I have had
> absolutely no luck.
> They are:
> prowess
> justiceréttvisi
> loyaltytrú
> defensevörn
> couragehugrekki
> faithtrú
> humilityauðmýkt
> largesseörlæti
> nobilityThis is just a guess, but "ágætir mann" would be famous/excellent man.
> franchiseummm... "Subway"? ;-)