>Greetings unto this list, from a sometime student, sometime lurker.
>I was requested to get the following words tranlated, and I have had
>absolutely no luck.
> They are: prowess justice loyalty defense
> courage faith humility largesse
> nobility franchise

Hi hi :)

Translating words out of context is not
an easy thing to do. Few of the words above
have an exact/unique correspondance in Old

Have you checked the dictionary? The MS-people
have got a lot of it into searchable text files.
What is probably needed is to compile all the
text files into a single file. Then one could
simply run a string search for "loyalty" and see
which words would pop up.

To show the lack of exact correspondance between
the words above and some relevant ON words here
are a few dictionary entries:

trú (gen. trúar), f. (1) faith, word
of honour (segir Ólafr þat upp á t.
sína, at hann skal þessa menn út
leysa); (2) religious faith, belief (Helgi
var blandinn mjök í t.) ; taka við t.,
to receive the Christian faith.

trú-festi, f. faithfulness, firmness
in faith

trú-leikr, m. faithfulness, fidelity

trú-lyndi, n. faithfulness

trygðir, f. pl. plighted faith, sworn
truce (svíkja e-n í trygðum).

trygg-leikr, m. = trúleikr

hugr (-ar, -ir), m. (I) mind; í hug
eða verki, in mind or act; vera í hug
e-m, to be in one's mind ; kome e-m í
hug, to come into one's mind, occur to
one ; leiða e-t hugum, to consider ;
ganga (líða, hverfa) e-m ór hug, to
pass out of one's memory, to be for-
gotten ; snúa hug sínum eptir (at, frá)
e-u, to turn one's mind after (to,
from) ; mæla um hug sér, to feign,
dissemble ; orka tveggja huga um e-t,
to be of two minds about a thing ;
orkast hugar á e-t, to resolve ; ef þér
lér nökkut tveggja huga um þetta, if
thou be of two minds about the matter ;
(2) mood, heart, temper, feeling ; góðr
h., kind heart; illr h. ill temper, spite;
heill h., sincereity ; reynast hugi við,
to make close acquaintance ; hugir
þeirra fóru saman, they loved each
other; (3) desire, wish ; leggja hug á
e-t, to lay a heart, take interest in;
leggja lítinn hug á e-t, to mind little,
neglect; leggja hug á konu, to fall in
love with a woman; mér leikr h. á
e-u, I long (wish) for a thing ; e-m
rennr h. til e-s, to have affection for
one ; mér er engi hugr á at selja hann,
I have no mind to sell him; (4) fore-
boding; svá segir mér h. um, I fore-
bode; hann kvað sér illa hug sagt
hafa (he had evil forebodings) um
hennar gjaforð; mér býðr hugr um
e-t, I anticipate (eptir gekk mér þat,
er mér bauð hugr um) ; mér býðr et í
hug, it enters my mind, I think ; gøra
sér í hug, to imagine; (5) courage;
h. ræðr hálfum sigri, a stout heart
is half the battle ; herða huginn (hug
sinn), to take heart, exert oneself.

hug-rekki, f. courage, intrepidity

hug-hreysti, f. courage

hug-prýði, f. courage, nobleness.

hug-dirfð, f. courage

If you dont mind me asking; what are those words for?
