Re: On Greek thalassa 'sea'

From: stlatos
Message: 70920
Date: 2013-02-11

--- In, Bhrihskwobhloukstroy wrote:
> 2013/2/10, stlatos :
> >
> >
> > --- In, Bhrihskwobhloukstroy wrote:
> >>
> >> 2013/1/29, stlatos :

> >> > árthron = joint G; vs
> >> > artus -u:s L; ard -u- = order Ar;
> >>
> >> Armenian /rd/ < */rt/
> >
> >
> > Also, though I didn't give this as ev., sometimes rt > rtH in Ar:
> >
> > kartH -i- = fish-hook / leg Ar;
> >
> > probably rel. to:
> >
> > kart-nagl = twisted nail ON;
> >
> > so this rd could also be ev. for dH, just less certain than the others I
> > gave.
> >
> >
> > The opt. alt. in:
> >
> > tarpós = large wicker basket G; tHarpH = large wicker fishing-basket /
> > creel, tHarb = wicker trellis-work Ar;
> >
> > makes it likely there was opt. alt. for all Cr / rC (due to r. > R).

> >
> Bhr.:
> 1) all examples are from rC, not Cr

Do you mean for Ar? Then:

astr \ azdr = thigh / shoulder(-blade) Ar;

which shows the opt. itself.

Other ex. of opt. for Ar are hard to find since Cr > rC in many words:

surb = sacred / pure Ar; çubhrá- \ çubhrí- = shining / beautiful RV S;

besides complex changes in clusters:

ostrús = hop hornbeam G;
ortH Ar; hardhi = grapevine Al;

skór(o)don G; hurdhë Al; *kHsort > xstor -i- = garlic Ar;

The opt. (s)tr > r(s)t > rt / etc. seen in ortH is sim. to opt. st > ts ( > c ) and rs > rts ( > rc ) , etc.:

brjóst ON; bréost OE; breast E;
brusts Go; brust OHG; *rbust > erbuc = breast of animals Ar;

Tuisco \ Tuisto = (Ymir ?)
twisk = twofold OSx; zwisk = twofold / double OHG;
dvis.t.ha- = ambiguous S; erkicH-s = twice/again Ar;

túrsis \ túrris = tower G; turid = tower/pillar, tor EIr; tor \ torr = tower/castle/crest Ir; tòrr = conical hill Ga;
*túrs- > tHurc = cheek, tHus^ -a- = cheek, tHuR = swelling Ar;

(compare rs. in:
tHars^amim \ tHaRamim = wither Ar; tHrus.nì = thirst(y) Khow;

in which r.s > r.s. with opt. s. > s^ (or sim.).

The opt. (s)k / kHs / x(s) / etc. of *kHsort > xstor is also seen in:

sceolh = crooked OE; scelus = evil deed / crime L; skoliós = c, skellós = c-legged G;
kaL = lame, xeL = mutilated / lame, s^eL = slanting / crooked, s^eLim = go astray, s^aLim = be mistaken/confused, sxal = mistake/failure/crime Ar;

in which ks > ks. with opt. s. > s^ (or sim.).

Not only opt. kH > x but pH > f ( > xW > w / h ) :

septem L; secht+N OIr; ewtHn Ar;

pedica = fetter L; fetel = belt, feter = shackle OE; fetter E; pHiwlake: = prison Ar;

pay = foot(step) / track P; >> anpHayi -ea- \ amayi -ea- = uninhabited/desert/untrodden Ar;

with nxW > nw > mw > m .

The dia. Iran. kY > cY > sY > T shows that TY was dental, and in Ar opt. dental s() > T > f ( > xW > w ) in:

* gYnòxWskY- > c^anac^Hem Ar;
* -ti- > canawtH -i- = an acquaintance Ar;

and (with rare tH > s):

* plekYtí+s > hiws -i- = plait Ar;
hiwsem = weave/plait Ar; lüsil (inf) = w/p Lar; fsEl Nor; NAr;

(compare pl > l / p ( > pH > f > xW ) in:
fealh OE; felly \ felloe E; xecH \ hecH = felloe Ar;

> 2) C is voiceless, epenthetic /d/ is voiced

Which? If ánthro:pos, then, as I've said before:

C > (+v) (+H) / _R

or opp.

Ex. w rk / rg include:

morc^ \ morc^H = young branch / stick Ar;
* mUrky: > mrkva SC; morkóv' = carrot R;

while another word for 'hornbeam' shows kr. > gR in the opp. group:

hornbeam E; carpinus L; grab R; skrúoblas Lith;

> 3) /r/ in anthro:pos isn't from */r./,

How do you know?

> a) either *h2nr-h3kw-o-s would have /r./ > /rV/ in Mycenaean time (or
> later) and then no more treatment of epenthetic /d/ (/in /nr/) as in
> 'Graeco-Armenian'
> b) or it would have it earlier, but then the difference from *h2nr-os
> > andros would require an explication that Your doctrine of optional
> alternations is intrinsically incapable of formulating (it seems You
> don't realize every example You give is by itself a falsification of
> such an explanation)

That makes no sense.

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