Re: Substrates in Latin and Germanic [was: The reason for Caesar's o

From: Torsten
Message: 68679
Date: 2012-03-01

> Torsten <tgpedersen@...>:
> >
> >> What I lack is a proof that such words were taken from a language
> >> other than Latin (because I don't know of any other language
> >> where those words are attested) into Latin (i.e. a further proof
> >> that the direction of the loan was precisely from non-Latin into
> >> Latin)
> >
> > We don't have proof in linguistics, as you should know, only
> > disproof.

> OK, I'm waiting for disproofs that a Latin word, attested only
> in Latin and with IE etymology, isn't hereditary.

You misunderstand. I haven't claimed to have disproven the standard theory of a direct decence of the 'mots populaires' from PIE, only that I *prefer* to explain them as loanwords. This I do because of the greater explaining power of that theory since it explains the systematically (not random) skewed distribution of the semantics of those words.

> Please don't answer 'because they are loans', since You haven't
> disproven the a priori alternative that they are hereditary.

See above.

> Note that I'm not excluding that they are loans, I'm just
> claiming that the hereditary hypothesis is at least at the same
> level of probability

Except for explaining the skewed distribution of their semantics.

> and morevoer doesn't have to postulate a substrate presence in Rome
> (not otherwise documented except for these controversial words).

Not true. I wish linguists would be more aware of ancient sources and of archaeology.
BTW I think Venetic had sg. -sk-/ pl. -st- alternation (cf eg. Polish)
The source for the Roman Plebeian 'a-language' would then be the Opici/Ausones
(from *op-/*ow- "mouth of a river", cf
Semitic A-p- "mouth of a river"
) ->

> >> > They [the 'a'-words] have have also been characterised as words
> >> > belonging to the lower class *and* religious sphere.
> >
> >> All that is so lovely vague that everybody can build every
> >> theory on such a basis.
> >
> > The important fact is that these words are concentrated in a few
> > semantic spheres, which indicates (not 'proves') that they derived
> > from a particular sociolect of Latin, correponding to one of the
> > component people of the ethnogenesis of the Roman people.

> Alas the very existence of such component people is product of a
> linguistic hypothesis and therefore cannot be the base for further
> arguments: it's simply one and the same argument - a good
> hypothesis, but not better than the hypothesis of the absence of the
> /a/-substrate of Latin

No, see above; we have to assume the existence of that component on historico-sociological grounds anyway, so Occam doesn't apply here.

> Torsten <tgpedersen@...>:
> >> Latin /a/ is different from, say, /p/ in Q-Celtic languages
> >
> > In what way?

> Q-Celtic languages have no hereditary words with /p/ of IE
> origin (except perhaps where /pp/ is from IE */pn/ + accented vowel,
> e.g. *ruppos < *rup-'no-s.

I know that that is what orthodoxy teaches us, so imagine my surprise when I checked for Celtic cognates of NWB words in p-, eg.
and check further for youreself here:

> Do You think that EVERY /a/ in Latin isn't of direct IE origin?

Jens had some convincing explanation (somewherre in the archives) that -a- would appear where zero was expected if the context was 'too heavy' (not his words), eg captus, should be *kptó-. Other than that I assume, at least as a working hypothesis that Latin words in -a- are Plebeian <- Sabine <- 'Opscan'/Ausonian.

> Torsten <tgpedersen@...>:
> >> Do You feel that explanations through *h2 are 'contrived'?
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> >> If no, I beg Your pardon; if yes, You apply a criterion which
> >> is quite tough in comparison with the optimism with which You
> >> accept as true a substrate hypothesis
> >
> > Do you feel that is the case?

> All these are hypotheses.

I agree. I just prefer the loanword one as a working hypothesis.

> I know Kuhn's hypotheses, Vennemann's ones and so on. I like them.

Me too.

> Laryngeal are hypotheses as well.
> You refuse completeley certain hypothese and subscribe
> unconditionally other ones. I simply ask: "Why?"

No, as I said I prefer them. I haven't written off the alternative yet.

> I rather work on probability levels. Certain hypothese are nice,
> but intrinsically less more expensive than other ones. Maybe they
> are nevertheless true, but till now we don't know. So why certain
> ones - absolutely yes and certain others - absolutely no?

I agree.

> Torsten <tgpedersen@...>:
> >
> >
> >> A people called Veneti were there. Venetic
> >> language was spoken, as far as we know, in the Upper Adriatic
> >> Basin. It CAN be that it was spoken in Southern Poland as well,
> >> but this is just a simple hypothesis. We don't have a single
> >> piece of evidence in favour of such hypothesis
> >
> > Not true.
> >

> Oh please, these are Old European river names, not Venetic
> inscriptions! Come on! Don't play with definitions!

Actually I think Old European is Venetic, in order to please Occam.
Note that they are a sea people, which explains the wide distribution of Venetic/Old European hydronyms, cf the distribution of Dutch hydronyms in North Europe (North Sea, etc).

> Torsten <tgpedersen@...>:
> >> As for Thracian, this is simply wrong. Thracian was spoken in
> >> Thrace; there is a couple of names in Regnum Bosporanicum that
> >> can be of Thracian etymology. That's all. There area in between
> >> is rather Dacian.
> >
> > Okay, so that's what you think.
> > Strabo and Pliny the Elder disagree
> >
> > 'Strabo and Pliny the Elder state they spoke the same language'

> Do You think that Thracian had a Lautverschiebung?

> Do You think that Daco-Misian had a Lautverschiebung?

> If You answer 'yes!' or 'no!' to both questions, You agree with
> Strabo and Pliny's historical-linguistic evaluation; otherwise not.


> In this particular case I have doubts that Daco-Misian had a
> Lautverschiebung, while I find quite convincing that Thracian had
> one (Georgiev, Duridanov).

I haven't read them, you'd have to quote their arguments to convince me. I don't remember seeing any signs of LV in the glosses in Detschew's "Die thrakischen Sprachresten'.

> Torsten <tgpedersen@...>:
> >
> >> As for Dacian, it's quite sure that it was spoken West and
> >> East of the Carpathian Range. More to the North, there were
> >> Slavs; the hydronimic evidence (Udolph) is too strong
> >
> > Here's a -dava within the range of Germanic (Sciri) settlements at
> > the time
> >

> OK, very good. This is a good argument. Until we don't know
> something more about alternative etymologies and explanations of the
> name (I could propose some of them, but now it's really irrelevant,
> so I omit to do it), a simple ending -daua is a weak piece of
> evidence, but still it IS a piece of evidence.

Sorry, you can't do that. The
names have been used to separate Dacians from Thracians
so you can't give up the ethnic connotation in the case of Setidava without losing the distinction between Dacians and Thracians.

> So, for the sake of the argument, let's state that (I'm quoting)
> "a Dacian outpost in North Central Europe" was in linguistic contact
> with Proto-Germans and that words could flow from there up to
> Scandinavia (not just into Scirian). This is a further, but
> possible, hypothesis.
who I think are better explained as *daŋ-k-io-.

On arriving in Denmark, cf.

> This doesn't imply that every other (hereditary) possibility is
> automatically excluded. Stop. That is what I was already
> underlining:
> hereditary hypotheses cannot be disproven by the mere existence of
> possible substrate alternatives. That's all


> Torsten <tgpedersen@...>:
> >
> > See above, plus the name. According to Kuhn Germanic had early
> > contact with an Italic language. Venetic is Italic.

> All of Kuhn's etymologies (which I like, by the way) are less
> than a single inscription. In order to be sure that a language has
> been spoken in a region, one needs inscriptions.

I disagree. If a sufficiently large part of the vocabulary of a language can't be matched with a standard derivation from its supposed, you have to suppose a different ancestor. That goes for mixed language as well as for mixed creatures.

> If there's no inscription,
> one has to emit hypotheses, but they are bound to remain such -
> hypothese. Very good, very nice, I like hypotheses very much. But
> You can't refuse an etymology just because it isn't compatible with
> a different *hypothesis*; less so You can refuse an etymology just
> because an alternative hypothesis is there

You are beating a straw man. I don't disagree.

> Torsten <tgpedersen@...>:
> >
> >> >> Wouldn't it be better if we used one and the same criterion
> >> >> for all etymologies?
> >> >
> >> > Which one would that be?
> >> Diachronic phonological precision and areal linguistic
> >> philological care
> >
> > You didn't answer the question. Which criterion is it you
> > recommend?

> Holzer's criteria (Entlehnungen aus einer bisher unbekannten
> indogermanischen Sprache im Urslavischen und Urbaltischen, Wien:
> ÖAW, 1989): respective length of alternative compared words,
> respective possibility of phonological confusion, respective
> semantic neighbourhood to the compared word, respective semantic
> vagueness, degree of reconstructability of the alternative compared
> words

I agree.


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