Re: Geschlecht (clan, lineage, nobility -) & O. Irish: slicht

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 67141
Date: 2011-01-23

At 4:10:40 AM on Sunday, January 23, 2011, The Egyptian
Chronicles wrote:

> t0lgsoo1 wrote: “ .......we know that <Geschlecht> can
> mean "descendants, family, clan, dynasty" or even "tribe,
> nation (of the Franks)," .......

> -----------------------------------------------

> See also O. Irish: slicht

Whose senses are given by the DIL as follows:

(a) a mark, track, trace, imprint; a path, way, trail
(made by the imprints of what has passed)
(b) a version, recension (of a literary work)
(c) section, division, class
(d) offspring, family, line, posterity

Sense (a) appears to be primary and the others derived.
