Spleen - what's the PIE word?

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 66663
Date: 2010-09-29

What's the PIE reconstructed wprd for "spleen"

Gk. splen, from PIE *splegh- (cf. Skt. plihan-, Avestan sperezan, Armenian p'aicaln, L. lien, O.C.S. slezena, Lith. bluznis, O.Prus. blusne, O.Ir. selg "spleen").

Gk. sple:n < *splankh < *sphlankh < *spHl&ngH-
Skt. plihan < *phL.g^han < *pHLg^hen-
Avs. sp&r&zan < *spLzan < *spLg^Hen-
Arm. p'aicaln < ?
Lat. lien < *lihen < *sligHen-
OCS slezena < *selg^en-
Lit. bluznis < *bHlug^Hni-
OIrl selg < *spelg^H-

JS Lopes


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