Re: Uralic Loanwords in Germanic

From: peteput
Message: 65823
Date: 2010-02-08

--- In, "stlatos" <stlatos@...> wrote:
> --- In, johnvertical@ wrote:
> > > I'd also add, if you did take Piotr's message seriously, that he once was open to the consideration that F Suomi << Indic *ks.oom 'earth', which is similar in its lack of certainty and its need for assumptions to my *kantli:x \ *kantla:x >> kítharis \ kithára: (in this case, I'd say the former was actually much less likely than the latter, since F Suomi < suo + maa 'swamp land' or 'fen land' is nearly certain).

Piotr also suggested that Finland is from 'pesno-' penis rather than 'fen' bog. See here...

One remaining question is, would the Germanic speaking Finnish neighbours think of the Finns as those manly ones, or those pricks?
The record on neighbours having endearing terms for each other is rather poor.

Peter P