Re: Vacation

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 65822
Date: 2010-02-08

From: Torsten <tgpedersen@...>
Sent: Mon, February 8, 2010 3:43:06 AM
Subject: Re: [tied] Vacation


--- In cybalist@..., Piotr Gasiorowski <gpiotr@...> wrote:
> W dniu 2010-01-28 09:28, Torsten pisze:
> > Be back in a week.
> >
> > Torsten.
> Have fun, Torsten!
> Piotr

Thanks, Piotr! We took my now almost habitual periplus by car around the Baltic, clockwise this time. I thought of returning our last cafe meeting in Copenhagen since PoznanĀ“ isn't that far off, but bad planning and bad weather got in the way. For getting in the mood of a Sarmatian, nothing beats barreling down Polish two-lane highways in a blizzard in order to make up for lost time.


Lucky you. Here in the Mid-Atlantic, Siberian took a vacation and visited us