Re: hound

From: Torsten
Message: 65228
Date: 2009-10-13

Maybe a translation would be in order (with a few supplements).

> Perhaps we shouldn't search for the derivation process within IE.
> Here are some glosses for your enjoyment:

Uralisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch:
'kunta 1 'family, relatives, community' FU, ? U
kunta 2 'wild reindeer' FU, ? U
N go,d´de -dd- 'wild reindeer',
L kådde:,
K (246) T ko,nte, Kld. ko,nt,
Not. koa,dd 'wild; wild reindeer',
N go,ddudâs -ss- -s- ~ go,ddâs 'four-year-old male reindeer'
(> finn. kuntus, kunteus 'three- or four-year-old reindeer') |

Mansi (WV 118) TJ konka: KU xonG&, P kunn& 'reindeer' ||

Enets Ch. kêre?, hêre?, B kede 'wild reindeer',
(Mikola: NyK 66: 39) kezæ?;
Kamass (Castr. Mskr., mitg. Toiv.: FUF 21: 128) kouna].

Cf Alt.: Mong. qanda-Gai 'elk, sort of moose', Tung. kandaga 'losI'.

Mansi ka: and G& are derivational suffixes (cf. TJ pæska-, KU pasG&, P pass& 'mitten' ~ Khanty V pas), from the preceding consonant cluster *nt (*kuntkta) t has disappeared. Samoyed Enets ? is likewise a derivational suffix.

The vowel of the first syllable in Enets is an irregular correspondence of the vowels in Saami and Mansi.

Possibly it is a Eurasian Wanderwort.

kunta- 3 'catch; find (a prey)' FU, ? U

Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der Jenissei-Sprachen:
'kan, I (Kot. M) kan, 'river' (Kan River in Central Sibiria);
ass. (M) kan,, kam. (M) xan,enbi, Ar. (M) xan, id.

4kan, II (n, Pl. kan,en) 'road of the great winter nomadic migration';
Middle Ket., Northern Ket. 4ka:n,&, Pl. kán,en;
Jug. 4kah:n,, Pl. kan,ïn ds.;
[] Proto-Yeiseian *ka?&n,&;
Proto-Yeniseian (S) *ka:n,- (~g-) ds.

kán,tan, 'great hunting expedition'
(winter nomadic migration, lasted from november-december until april-may)
< sket. 4kan, 'winter hunting road', 'winter migration road'
+ 4tan, 'drag', 'pull' ('drag (of hunt)', 'polar sled');
'they set out on the road of the winter nomadic migration',
pret. tkán,tan,ól´betin (8.1)
2ko?p (f, Pl. 3ko:n)
1) 'gopher',
Jug. 2ko?p, Pl. kófïn; Imb. (M) ko:p, eed-s^es^ (Mes) koóp / koop (Kl) id.;
[] Proto-Yeniseian (S) *ko?p (~g-, -o-);
2) ...
3ko:nno 'hunting gophers' < 3ko:n 'gophers' + 3qo: 'kill', 'carry off':
sket. t3ko:nnoavet 'I hunt gophers',
pret. t3ko:nno Gól´bet [] (8.1);
Jug. kófïnnou ds.: dikófinnouáget´ 'I hunt gophers',
pret. dikófinnou4o:rget´ [kófïnnou...get´] (8.1)
Jug. 4kuh:n, Pl. kúnïn/kunïn,;
Imb. (M, W) kuúne/kuun´a (Kl),
Ost. (M) kuún´a,
Pump. (W) kun, eed-s^es^ (Mes) ku:n id.;
[] Proto-Yeniseian *ku?ono:
Proto-Yeniseian (S) *ku:n´ (~g-) 'Wolverine';
B 1957 cf. with Kar., Sag. quna id.;
C^ís 1976 cf. with
S^or. kunu, Chak. xunu, Bas^k. kono id., Udm. kon´i 'gopher',
Russ. kunitsa < Finno-Ugric languages (?)
