Res: [tied] TIROL's etymology

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 64274
Date: 2009-06-26

Although my great-great-great-grandmother was German from Rhineland, I cannot read German, so I will try to translate this text.
I found it
Difficultly. Maybe advises. *Tir-ále. A typical characteristic feature of the little advice broads is the ending ale. With this it concerns a so-called Pertinentiv, i.e. a Lokativ to the genitive. This case has the function, an object or an individual locally and personnel to assign. *Tirále could have signified in earliest ‘ in the area of a person called *Tir-'. Therefore, with Tyrol it concerns a former rätischen area name, just like, by the way, with the name Schenna which advises in earliest from. *Skenja or *Skenje comes what could have signified so much like ‘ to a person called *Skeni severely ’.
After the ending the name is Tyrol comparably with name like Senale (Italian name for our dear woman in the wood), sound ale (ital.-mundartl. Tonàl, German mundartl. Tunōl) and Romallo (ital.-mundartl. Romàl, German mundartl. Ramōl) in the mountain Nons. All these names could be – at least after her ending - rätisch and ‘ have signified in the area *Sen-, *Tun-, *Rum-'.

If I understood correctly what is stated, Tirol came from a proto-form *Tira:le. -a:le seems the Latin suffix -a:lis (cf. dentalis, ruminalis, moralis). 

JS Lopes

De: Brian M. Scott <BMScott@...>
Para: Joao S. Lopes <>
Enviadas: Sexta-feira, 26 de Junho de 2009 17:45:38
Assunto: Re: [tied] TIROL's etymology

At 8:54:06 AM on Friday, June 26, 2009, Joao S. Lopes wrote:

> What is the etymology of toponym TIROL/TYROL ? Is it
> Celtic, Germanic, or what?

Unknown. The most frequent suggestion seems to be that it's
pre-Roman. I did find this:


Schwierig. Vielleicht rät. *Tir-ále. Ein typisches
Charakteristikum des Rätischen ist die Endung -ale. Bei
dieser handelt es sich um einen sogenannten Pertinentiv,
d. h. einen Lokativ zum Genitiv. Dieser Kasus hat also
die Funktion, ein Objekt oder ein Individuum örtlich und
personell zuzuordnen. *Tirále konnte am ehesten 'im
Bereich einer Person namens *Tir-' bedeutet haben. Bei
Tirol handelt es sich demnach um einen ehemaligen
rätischen Gebietsnamen, genauso wie übrigens beim Namen
Schenna, der am ehesten aus rät. *Skenja oder *Skenje
stammt, was soviel wie 'zu einer Person namens *Skeni
gehörig' bedeutet haben könnte.

<http://www.tiroul. info/index. php/Tirol_(Ort_/_Tirol) >


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