Re: FYI: BATT, QAMIYS, SABAT, QALSAH & FUSTAN was: oldest places....

From: Arnaud Fournet
Message: 61532
Date: 2008-11-11

----- Original Message -----
From: the_egyptian_chronicles

I have no idea who introduced this thread, so my sincere apologies for
omitting the author's name:

No problem,
you're welcome
It was greatly needed to have the answer of a native speaker.


Ishinan's response:

Actually, the following three words: batt, qamiys and sabat, are from
Classical Arabic. Before the 7th century and certainly before the Arabs set
foot on Western Europe in 711 C.E. They are found in the Lisan al-`Arab, the
Classical Arabic lexicon par excellence.

btt (batt); a cloak
Reference: Lisan al-`Arab vol. I, p. 155.
batt in Kazimirski is :
Piece de vetement, fait de soie grossière, ou de laine, et non cousu, dont
les derviches se couvrent la tête et le dos, et qui leur sert aussi de
couverture et de tapis.
a piece of clothes, made with raw silk or wool, unsewn, used by dervishes to
cover their heads and backs, and as a blanket or rug.

What is the connection with ouate and wad ?


qmys (qamiys); a shirt, the cover of the ka`bah
Reference: Lisan al-`Arab vol. V, p. 162.
to ------> Med. Latin Camisia (BTW not found in Classical Latin), Fr.
it qami:s. with emphatic s.
I missed it.
This word is in Kazimirski.

It remains to be proved ir's a LW from Arabic !


sbt (sabat) sandals, shoes, footwear.
Reference: Lisan al-`Arab vol. III, p. 80.
to ------> Sp. Zapato and Fr. savat.

this presentation is highly misleading.

This root _s_b_t does not mean sandal but shave (a piece of skin).

I translate the Arabic :
ni&a:l sabatiyya : shoes shaved
The word that means shoes is ni&a:l

to Ishinan : don't take it for granted nobody can read your language,
and that you can point at a note and try to make people this it's a gloss of
the word.
