Re: Taurisci

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 55682
Date: 2008-03-22

Here is the www.unrv site on Pannonia for starters
Taurisci --Celtic tribe of Pannonia

The country was bordered along the Danube to the east
and north, with Noricum and Northern Italia to the
west, and with Dalmatia and Moesia to the south. Its
original inhabitants (Pannonii, sometimes called
Paeonii by the Greeks) were an Illyrian tribe. From
the 4th century BCE it was invaded by various Celtic
tribes, the largest of whom were the Carni, Scordisci
and Taurisci.

In the early first century BCE, Roman penetration into
Raetia, Noricum and Dalmatia moved towards the Danube
and Pannonia. The Celtic Scordiscis and Dardanians
posed an obstacle to this advance. A hard fought war
with the Dardanians, lasting 3 years, enabled Gaiuss
Scribonius Curio to be the first Roman general along
with his Legion to see the Danube in 73 BC. Little
else is heard of Pannonia until 35 BC, when its
inhabitants took up arms in support of the Dalmatians
who were at war with Rome. This led to an invasion by
Augustus, who conquered and occupied Siscia (Sissek).
The country was not, however, definitely subdued until
9 BC when it was incorporated with Illyria, the
frontier of which was extended as far as the Danube.

In 7 AD the Pannonians, with the Dalmatians and other
Illyrian tribes, revolted, but were eventually
overcome by Tiberius and Germanicus, after a
hard-fought campaign which lasted for two years. In 10
AD Pannonia was organized as a separate province. The
proximity of dangerous barbarian tribes (Quadi,
Marcomanni) across the Danube necessitated the
presence of a large number of Legions and Auxiliaries
and numerous limes (fortifications) were built on
Roman side of the river.

Some time between the years 102 and 107 AD, which
marked the termination of Emperor Trajan's Dacian
wars, Trajan divided Pannonia into 2 provinces,
superior in the west and inferior in the east. The
whole country was sometimes called the Pannonias
(Pannoniae). Pannonia superior was under the consular
legate, who had formerly administered the single
province, and had three legions under his control:
Pannonia inferior at first under a praetorian legate
with a single legion as garrison. After Marcus
Aurelius it was governed under a consular legate,
still with only one legion. The frontier on the Danube
was protected by the establishment of the two
colonies, Aelia Mursia (Esse) and Aelia Aquincum by
Hadrian. In fact, Hadrian was the first governor of
Pannonia Inferior and later as emperor, the region
became one of the favorite destinations in his many

Like many other Roman provinces Hadrian instituted a
great many building projects in the region, the Danube
fortifications, roads, temples, aqueducts, theatres,
etc. that helped to Romanize the inhabitants.
Vindobona, modern day Vienna, a former military camp,
also began to grow in importance during this time

The Marcommanic Wars of Marcus Aurelius showed the
great importance of Danubian frontier and Pannonia
often became the permanent headquarters of Roman
Emperors or their appointed deputies during the 2nd
and 3rd Centuries. Legio I & Legio II Adiutrix, Legio
X & Legio XIV Gemina were mainly stationed in

The great migrations and invasions of Goths and Huns
of the 4th century led directly to increased Germanic
pressure on the region. Displaced tribes sought refuge
within the Empire's borders, but suitable agreements
were never really reached. By 378 AD, at the Battle of
Adrianople in neighboring Thracia, the Goths crushed
the army of Valens, effectively destroying Roman
control of the Balkan province.

Economy of Pannonia

Except in the mountainous districts, the country was
fairly productive, especially after the great forests
had been cleared by Probus and Galerius. Before that
time timber had been one of its most important
exports. Its chief agricultural products were oats and
barley, from which the inhabitants brewed a kind of
beer named sabaea. Vines and olive-trees were little
cultivated. Saliunca (Celtic nard) was a common
growth, as in Noricum. Pannonia was also famous for
its breed of hunting-dogs popular in hunting wild boar
and bison. Iron and silver mining was also prevalent.

Tribes of Pannonia

The inhabitants of Pannonia were described by Roman
writers as brave and warlike, but cruel and
treacherous. Polybius even suggested that the
Scordisci used human skulls as drinking cups. There
were several tribes of significant size and status in
the area. The Scordisci, Breucis, Carni and Dardanians
were early enemies of Roman expansion, but later would
play an important role in defending the territory from
Germanic incursions. The Taurisci tribe, spread
throughout the Danube region was a long time friend
and ally of the Empire.

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--- tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:

> --- In, Rick McCallister
> <gabaroo6958@...> wrote:
> >
> > On Google, I'm running into various Taurisci
> groups
> > --Gaulish, Celtiberian and Danubian Celts
> Tell us about it.
> You will too in the archives.
> Torsten

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